Interesting article on the DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) typefaces. Here.
A few different DIN typefaces existed as lead type but sadly many have not been digitized 'yet'. Futura was used a hell of a lot by the German Aircraft companies also. There are many variations of Futura that have been copied by several of the major type foundries that are available to purchase. Sadly none of them adhere to the original design perfectly (found on Luftwaffe markings and period aircraft manuals). Futura by Neufville Digital (not cheap!) was completely digitized from the original sources of the Bauersche Giesserei, now held by FT Bauer in Barcelona.
Redrawing would be a major pain in the ass Otter but well worth it in my opinion.
I intend to do just that Clint. I want something all of us can use. As soon as I figure out how to create a font I'll offer it here. $42.50??? You gotta be kidding me! Doesn't even look like the original script either.
I have in the past dabbled whilst at college and created some fonts using a program called Fontographer. That was some time ago, I don't know what software is used these days. Steep learning curve getting deep into Typography. But the process is basically copy'n'pasting or importing your individual vector letters/designs into the appropriate A B C or a b c box, sorting out the leading/spacing attributes and then generating the font file. Oh and the full family of that font Futura ND is $1111 Good luck and I look forward to seeing/using your creations.
Last edited by Clint Mitchell; 29th August 2010 at 01:32.
Thanks for that article Clint. I enjoyed that! Who knew? Not me
I've been wanting a good piece of font software but even the cheap ones are damn expensive!
Incidentally, there is a guy at the Aerodrome forum who painstakingly did fonts used for Albatross, OAW Albatros and Fokker. They weren't complete font sets, just the few needed leters and a full set of numbers. But there are REALLY nice to have!!!
OK, here's my kick at the cat copied from the stencils from the many photos I have. Now all I have to do is figure out how to turn it into a proper font. You were right was a pain in the a$$ to do, but it's a lot better than what's out there.
As near as I can tell, the test phrases read:
Your feet smell awful.
Here's real blockheads.
Beer is hot. Cooler beer is in the house.
Aren't you glad I enlightened you?
Last edited by Otterkins2; 30th August 2010 at 07:59.
No I don't BH. In fact I wasn't even aware they existed. But then if I bought every book that came out I would be eternaly broke and sleeping by myself. I don't much fancy that idea.