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  1. #31

    Re: WIP: Su-17M4 top view profile

    That is the part and I mean both the shape and the non-consistence.

    Firstly the angle of the tail is pretty much the same as the wing so the initial angle of the shadow should be the same as the shadow being cast on the wing pylons.

    Secondly even though the fuselage is round the shadow would not have that shape, it is too round.

    Have a look at some aircraft photos or get a model and strong light to see how it works, that is what I do when the shadows are driving me mad!
  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: WIP: Su-17M4 top view profile

    Hi Yury,

    I understand about your use of reflected light under the aircraft. In my opinion it is realistic and it does bring shape out, so that is good. You have a way of showing volume which is really excellent.

    What I meant is that the shadow cast by the wing and the elevator should be at the same angle, but they are not. This should not happen since they have roughly the same sweep.

    And also, you have drawn a shadow on the intake spike, which indicates a completely different source of light.

    I've allowed myself to use your drawing. The red arrows show where the light is coming from, based on the shadows you've drawn. As you can see, they are not the same between the elevator, wing and nose.

    Name:  light sources.jpg
Views: 492
Size:  26.8 KB

    I hope this makes it clearer?
  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    PA/NJ, USA

    Re: WIP: Su-17M4 top view profile

    I would say that the curve on the shadow under the right elevator and vertical stab looks a little extreme, but overall I'm very impressed with your work on this Fitter profile. Great job!
  4. #34

    Re: WIP: Su-17M4 top view profile

    Hi Gaetan,

    Quote Originally Posted by gamary View Post
    What I meant is that the shadow cast by the wing and the elevator should be at the same angle, but they are not. This should not happen since they have roughly the same sweep.
    Keep in mind please that the wing drops shadow onto vertical surfaces while elevator drops shadow onto cylindrical surface of fuselage. Both wing and stabilizer are installed slightly below the longitudinal axis of fuselage. The tangential plane, on which the shadow drops, is not vertical. So shadows' borders have different angles.

    Please have a look at the example:

    BTW, you can see on my profile that shadows of both wing and elevator have almost the same angle when they drops onto fuselage.

    The red arrows show where the light is coming from, based on the shadows you've drawn.
    The same source of light was used for all profiles. It was placed slightly on the left and behind you.

    Quote Originally Posted by inkworm View Post
    Have a look at some aircraft photos or get a model and strong light to see how it works, that is what I do when the shadows are driving me mad!
    I used 3DMax while working on the profiles
  5. #35

    Re: WIP: Su-17M4 top view profile

    Thats really properly good ! Well done
  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: WIP: Su-17M4 top view profile

    GM and Inky, I'm with you regarding the confusing shadows--

    But, if you look at the real-life photo example he's posted you can see a severe sun angle form the rear quarter (note the airplane's shadow on the ground), rather than our usual forward quarter.

    I'm concluding that his arrow-line sketch of his sun angle is not consistent with the right side view--but it would be for a rear sun position (including the shadow on the intake spike). Perhaps something got confused by brahio in his explanation of on the sun angle for that view?

    Also, if the left side view is also for a backlit airplane, then all sorts of shadows are missing. That view seems to be consistent with our traditional sun in front view.
  7. #37

    Re: WIP: Su-17M4 top view profile

    Quote Originally Posted by Vacajun View Post
    But, if you look at the real-life photo example he's posted you can see a severe sun angle form the rear quarter (note the airplane's shadow on the ground), rather than our usual forward quarter.
    Oh, I see... That's the reason of misunderstanding.
    In your tradition the sun is "linked" with airplane. The sun always shines from plane's forward hemisphere, i.e. from artist's lefthand side for the port profile and from artist's righthand side for the starboard profile.

    In our tradition the sun is "linked" with the artist (and viewer). I can draw any side profile, but the sun is always behind me and on my left.
  8. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: WIP: Su-17M4 top view profile

    Eureka! Now I understand!

    When you've grown up eating grass in the same pasture, it looks strange when invited to some else's pasture!

  9. #39

    Re: WIP: Su-17M4 top view profile

    Quote Originally Posted by brahio View Post
    In our tradition the sun is "linked" with the artist (and viewer). I can draw any side profile, but the sun is always behind me and on my left.

    makes sense now.
  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Mannheim, Germany

    Re: WIP: Su-17M4 top view profile

    Quote Originally Posted by gamary View Post
    Hi Yury,

    I understand about your use of reflected light under the aircraft. In my opinion it is realistic and it does bring shape out, so that is good. You have a way of showing volume which is really excellent.

    What I meant is that the shadow cast by the wing and the elevator should be at the same angle, but they are not. This should not happen since they have roughly the same sweep.

    And also, you have drawn a shadow on the intake spike, which indicates a completely different source of light.

    I've allowed myself to use your drawing. The red arrows show where the light is coming from, based on the shadows you've drawn. As you can see, they are not the same between the elevator, wing and nose.

    Name:  light sources.jpg
Views: 492
Size:  26.8 KB

    I hope this makes it clearer?
    Hi gamary,

    I like the harsh shadows not ... they are not in color profiles ... in a technical drawing.

    This is my humble opinion.

    They come at Yuri's drawings often from different directions.

    Are his profiles but otherwise top notch.



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