Hiya seiben,
I have one, so if ya PM me your mail addy I'll sent it your way.
It's not made by me and sadly I don't remember who sent it to me. But I hope you will still credit the un-known author.
This is my very first time with Simmers Paintshop so please excuse me if this is posted incorrectly.
I posted a request on Ubi's forum with over 60 people reading and no replies so I thought I'd try a dedicated site. I'd really like to have a go at producing my own skin. For my first effort I've choosen Uffz Willi Reschke's late model Bf 109G6/U3 flown with I/JG302.
I have little doubt that this aircraft skin is currently available, however I just wanted to see what I could come up with. It will be a good learning curve I suspect and since I have the information and colours at hand hopefully it won't take me to long once started.
I'm writing to see if anyone might have a 'template' for this aircraft that is available. If so, could I possibly use if you wouldn't mind. I realise that many hours, if not days and weeks go into templates so individuals may be reluctant to let them out, I only want it for personal use. I don't have anything as of yet, any advice or guidance would be great
Thankyou for your time.
I've also got a G6 template. I can send it to you if you like.
Thankyou, I would appreciate that very much. Should I send you a PM with my email address?