Ah that's the peculiar draft in my neck all day
In that case I'll start a work-in-progress thread here then. As I'm my own worst critic usually, it would save me some time!
Happy New Year guys!
and i will be there watching over your shoulder all the way![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Ah that's the peculiar draft in my neck all day
In that case I'll start a work-in-progress thread here then. As I'm my own worst critic usually, it would save me some time!
Happy New Year guys!
Please see Facebook for my latest work: www.facebook.com/aviationart.aero
or visit my aviation art gallery and web store: www.aviationart.aero
same to you and yours ronnie,
have a good one![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Do you have finished the Avro Arrow Otterkins2 ?
I can't wait to see it !
Me too I say that is a great loss of the Canada's aerospace industry... A very stupid decision from Diefenbaker's government...
Last edited by paul_541; 30th November 2011 at 01:51.
Paul, the Arrow drawings are long since finished. It is my belief that the Canadian government was put into an untenable position by the Americans at the time. Looks to me like Dief was running scared. Why else would you destroy all existing prototypes AND all the records associated with it? I think much the same thing happened to the TSR-2 which was also far ahead of much that was on the drawing boards at the time. In BOTH cases it resulted in the destruction of the aerospace industry in both Canada and the UK. Neither has ever recovered from the loss. My profile isn't as fussy as the WW2 aircraft I do. There wasn't a lot to see in the way of detail. Everything was puttied over and sanded smooth before a coat of epoxy paint was applied. This bird was meant for speed.