The shape definition looks good but it could do with a little more surface detail as it looks a bit too clean for a combat jet now.
Stenciling to add but hopefully it'll do for a F-86F
Anyone know of any really interesting schemes the F wore?
Just out of curiosity, what plans did you use? I made a shipload (you can replace the p with a t in that last word, given the quality) of F-86 profiles a long time ago. I noticed that some plans show the wing with much more dihedral (the wing tip is almost at mid-fuselage).
I haven't looked into it and, at first glance, I'd say this dihedral is right.
I see that there is a tiny bit of "curve" on the shadow cast on the tank. This will probably get you in trouble here (wrongly). However, it should curve the other way, given the sweep of the wing. It would only curve like this on a forward-swept wing.
Who do you think is the plan-meister here? The one I used for the main outline is one with the text all in Russian but I've collected a stack of photos including some of Grubby's.
I did originally have the shadow going the other way but had a moment of doubt, however a couple of minutes with a bottle, a book and spotlight means I'll revert it to the original curve going the other way.
Inky, welcome to the catacombs of curved shadow believers!!![]()
nice work chris
even down under the shadows are straight
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Good efford to far ! Getting that NM finish right is very difficult. To achieve a better result you wanna try and enhance the contrast. Perhaps try and do some variation in the panels.
On those early jets the surface was quite bumpy, so you might wanna break up the highlights abit.
I have attached a sample of a NM finish i did on a F-105. Iīm not saying itīs perfect...nor am i saying itīs any good, but maybe it can inspire you (i hope it can). Itīs my last 2d project, (which might explain why i was looking into other application)
Last edited by Aircraftprofiles; 20th January 2011 at 19:11.
Alterations and dirtying up along with shadow all tweaked.
Really needs to have the additions of the rivets and all the panel fastener details, to bring it to life. Looks a little odd with weathering but none of this essential (to me) detail.