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Thread: F-86 Sabre

  1. #11

    Re: F-86 Sabre

    Profile looks good but I am not too sure about the shape. It feels a bit bent to me. I'm no Sabre expert, but from first impressions I'd say the rear of the windshield needs to slant forwards slightly and there should be a slight 'step' between the windshield and the upper nose. Also the bottom of the rear fuselage needs more curvature and the elevator fuselage fairing needs to extend further forwards. The ejection seat lacks some detail perhaps. Buzz number looks a bit too bold. I reckon of these the windshield is the most important one. Ugo's profile suffers from this too, unfortunately.

    Droptanks... that's probably the most difficult part of the Sabre! There are so many variations...

    Try for some good sideview photos, that seems to be more reliable than any drawing I've seen thusfar. Sample attached. Not a perfect sideview (too low) but close.

    Incidentally my first 2D profile was also a Sabre and suffered from some accuracy issues too. As simple as it looks (tube with wings), the Sabre is a pretty difficult shape to get right! Pretty much in line with the P-51 and B-25 which are also usually drawn inaccurately.

    PS. Would anyone have the correct font for the buzz number by any chance?
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    Last edited by Skyraider3D; 31st January 2011 at 02:06.
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  2. #12

    Re: F-86 Sabre

    Anyone got solid info on the SAAF orange? I've got a set of photos of their F-86Fs and the photos show everything from pale peach to almost postbox red.
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    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  3. #13

    Re: F-86 Sabre

    Hopefully this pic helps. Though the orange bit is rather small, you can compare it to red and yellow quite nicely here:

    I think your orange needs to be a bit bolder and it and your yellow a tiny bit closer to red in hue.
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  4. #14

    Re: F-86 Sabre

    I've had some other suggestions as well so will try them out and see how I get on. Also need to double check your other comments from last year as well as I'm not sure if I did!

    Actually looking at that site I realise it's Brent's and he's sent me the colour he uses, just not had a chance to stick it in yet. Also need to do something about the blue before John pops up!

    Will change the yellow though and deepen it a little.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: F-86 Sabre

    chris and ronnie,

    slow down before using that image for colour, check the airmans skin tone! now knock back the red and then see what you get, also the colour on any of the SAAF markings tended to fade very quick due to sun bleach.
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  6. #16

    Re: F-86 Sabre

    John I suggest you go out in Leicester on a Saturday evening and observe the young ladies, that skin tone seems completely normal to me!

    I tried #ff7100 (RGB: 255,113,0) which was suggested and seems to do the trick. Also added a little more red to the yellow bands.

    Just need to sort out some of the stencil detail around the cockpit and it's done.
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    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  7. #17

    Re: F-86 Sabre

    Quote Originally Posted by inkworm View Post
    John I suggest you go out in Leicester on a Saturday evening and observe the young ladies, that skin tone seems completely normal to me!
    LOL! Too true!

    But I wasn't suggesting to get a colour picker John, but more to compare the various shade. It was (hopefully) obvious that the saturation on this image was rather enthusiastic. But it has a decent yellow and red reference, as well as white, skin and sky. So with a little tweaking you can get to a very close match I reckon.

    Chris, the orange is a little bit too bright still, I think. But pretty close. Mix in a few percent of black and you're there. Yellow looks good.
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