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  1. #1

    Skinners needed bad

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    de Gooische matras

    Re: Skinners needed bad

    I'm sorry, "SF project one" is about the worst 40 or 50 Euro's I've ever spend. The flight model is not very sophisticated and terrain and campaigns are boring. Only planeset is intresting.
  3. #3

    Re: Skinners needed bad

    You never looked to see what you could dl for it? 322 plus free Aircraft, +maps, missions. You need to have a second look, I'm not talking about project one anyway, Wings over Vietnam. An updated version of the game.

    It may not be as sophisticated as "IL2" or "Lockon" but its worth every penny. No other flight sim offers so much, for so little.

    Look at this list;t=000003;p=8

    You'd have to be on crack to not shell out $20 for WOV, and get all that.

    Its a modders game, if you want it, you can make it. Don't expect everything to be layed out in front of you, you have to put it together yourself in most cases.

    A good example of the quility aircraft that can be found these days are these 2
    The F-106, and the Mirage's. You'll not find better ones in the freak'n world. FS2004, whatever.. They rule. Download those before you post back. You'll need to get that 7-Zip utillity down on the page if you don't have it. Its like Win RAR, or Winzip. That is the format the planes are saved in.

    And if you don't dl those 2.. You ARE on crack!

    Those 2 AC, aswell as all of the ones listed will work with your game, some may require some adjustments to config files etc. BTW WOV adds carrier ops, thats the main thing. I don't own project 1, and most who bought it said simular things about it. WOV on the other hand, its a different breed. All the problems with project 1 were fixed. And the game was pushed to another level.
    Last edited by RogueSnake; 15th December 2005 at 02:52.

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