hey rat,
the only thing i have a problem with now is the camouflage colours and the markings, is this a UK based aircraft? if so your markings are the wrong colours, see previous post on the lancasters and others![]()
Inkworm - you are a star. Thanks a lot for leading me to the Google thing. Got my next project in it I notice. You guys are going to have a ball with this one. (Another one I've flown in, incidentally).
hey rat,
the only thing i have a problem with now is the camouflage colours and the markings, is this a UK based aircraft? if so your markings are the wrong colours, see previous post on the lancasters and others![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
hi GFR,
sorry mate but i don't have a default positionbut i alway admit when i am wrong, in rats case i had a senior moment (turned 60 last wednesday) i knew his colours were wrong but i was not going to say anything, but after my cock up i just had to
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Oh boy, I only made a pretty little picture and look where it got me. They made 11,300 of these before they got fed up. I bet they weren't all the same colour. Somebody, Inkworm I think, mentioned that most monitors vary slightly according to calibration. That also applies to the colours generated by various types of reproduction coming out of cameras. Film, digital or whatever. The chances of me hitting the colour dead on were minimal to say the least. Move on I say. Put it this way, there's no camo on my current project, thank heavens. Now, when it comes to silver paint.....? I once asked a paint shop to repaint my caravan white. The guy immediately brouight out a book of 60 swatches of different whites. Same applies.
I claim no responsibility for this. Warren, when I started the drawing it became astonishlingly evident that there was little photo evidence, so it's little wonder you had such a tough go of it. You've done a fine job. I do agree though that the crew is a tad too stark.
sorry rat,
you dont get out of it that easy, this is nothing to do with monitor settings, this is straight out wrong shades of Dk Earth and Dk Green i have posted the correct shade on here before, and the markings colours are totally wrong, unless the aircraft was used in either Canada or South Africa![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Thought I'd got out of it easy. Phone lines been down for a few days, due to some malicious bastard cutting out 1375 lumps of wire and melting it down for scrap. No phones, no internet. Peace indeed! Will have a look at your kaleidoscope of riotous ancient paints and see what can be done. Don't hold your breath, I'm a busy lad. Grass and hedges are growing, it's been raining at last! ( and I'm growing melons which need hand fertilising too, ho ho ho).
just mowed my lawn![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)