Makes me wish I was 20 years younger. Great job.
So I need to rectify that!
A lot of my time has been spent less on simming and graphics (for shame), and more on learning guitar. I started learning (again) in 2009 after some "goofing off" with a guitar a few years prior.
I'm taking the learning a bit more seriously this time around. I'm doing well in fingerstyle picking, learning to sight read, and tangling with some jazz too. All self taught, but I'm trying to keep it reasonably disciplined.
Then I got distracted in wanting to build a guitar amp cabinet, somehow. This is the result. Built from plywood, and mostly scrap materials which cost me nothing. The most expensive part was the 12" Weber smooth cone speaker.
EDIT: It's kinda big as you can see, so I've since mounted it on some casters and it glides around very easily now.
Here, you can see the chassis of a Peavey 12 watt amp I've got bolted inside:
I'm confused there are no wings or wheels on that thing so why post it, not the best profile I've seen if I was really honest
I'd just settle for being younger, even a month would suffice!
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Nice work, good vintage look too.
Did you say jazz? I'm a jazzer from WAY back...although I never mastered it on bass guitar![]()
Looks flat.![]()
Yeah, but look at the reference photos and drawings, it looks just like the real one!Looks flat![]()
LOL! Oh yea the real thing is really flat. Besides, there is only so much curve possible with plywood!
Also I should have mentioned, yes the cabinet sounds very good to me. I play almost exclusively clean tones, and it really surpasses my expectations there. Twice I got the bug to get some fancier amplifier to drive it (which I can't afford really!). But when I play some through it on a clean tone, or with just a slight "fattened" driven clean, I have to wonder why I want to change anything at all. So I have not.
It's just the "new gear bug", and I refuse to let it bite!
Yep Blowhard, I'm trying to learn some jazzy concepts. As a jazzer you know that aside from prearranged pieces, jazz is pretty freeform. More working with progressions that can suit a musical element or theme. This is the real work for me.
I can learn prearranged pieces easily, my last was "How High the Moon". But getting my head around how and when to fit together the chord and progression ideas into a "standard" will probably take a lifetime of learning.
You need to visit the profiles board more often. "looks Flat" is by far the most common refrain when people post new works up.
Its kind of like the "Will it be at Legends" quip on most UK aviation boards.
Oh...yeah, nice rig. Good to hear it puts out a nice tone.![]()
Last edited by GiantFlyingRobots; 2nd September 2011 at 11:10.
GFR, yea I actually got the reference. But when I typed up something about having tried to make it as round as possible given plywood, the joke was more "flat" than a bad profile.
My humor hath failed me! Maybe it needs more highlights on the upper leading edge?
[da-dum ching!]
Oh, and a Happy Birthday to Blowhard!![]()