From my point of view, the fuselage ist just enough thick. You should do your "background photo trick" before I finished the whole aircraft, then we could discuss. Now no time for that.
BH, Zamex does the lines, I do the wait for my interpretation![]()
Peter Kassak
From my point of view, the fuselage ist just enough thick. You should do your "background photo trick" before I finished the whole aircraft, then we could discuss. Now no time for that.
Sure...Absolutely...You are correct. I guess you are time pressed on this job I should have commented on the day of your initial post, except for the fact that the first chance that I had to do so was yesterday, and that's when I did my devious "background photo trick", which if you notice I make no claim to it being an exact science.
Make of my 'advice' what you will.![]()
This linework is very neat and accurate...
The only question that bothers me is this: is it necessary to do ALL the lines?
Or are everybody of you guys doing this? I mean, when making panel lines, do we really have to repeat every line we see on the drawings when some of them are even not the actual panel lines at all?(for example, wingtips, different 3D shapes e.t.c.)? Or is it just me who doesn't think it's 100% right?
I chuck everything in where I have the info, panel lines, rivets, wingtips etc and then use them all when sorting out in photoshop, from that point the drawing looks fine to me.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Sorry for this late post (hurricanes do that), but the vertical tail looks too short and small. The "Big Tail Beast" had a bigger tail just as GFR's overlay shows.
This SB2C-1 shows that big tail pretty good.
Looking forward to your work!![]()
after a long break, works continues...
Peter Kassak
sorry guys,
missed this first time round,
heres a couple of drawings, first one is grangers.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Bit late in the show there ol' chap! I think the horse may have bolted.
Looks to be a good start. I'll watch this with interest.
Watch that highlight running the length of the fuselage and onto the tail.![]()
I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. I *love* ugly airplanes and, boy, that is one ugly airplane!