Not me, I only know a little about Zeros but I think I've forgotten most of it already!
Those look like nice drawings, have you compared them with photos of the real thing yet?
Hello to all.
Meet my new friend Frank...
I really hope my current skills will be enough to make him as gorgeous as he was in reality... But before I proceed with this, pls check if these drawings are ok to use:
Thanks in advance.
Sincere regards,
P.S.: Ugo = Italians expert, Otterkins2 & helischmidt & Jesters stand for German stuff... But who's Japanese "councilor" here? BH?![]()
Last edited by Mangas; 11th September 2011 at 13:38.
Not me, I only know a little about Zeros but I think I've forgotten most of it already!
Those look like nice drawings, have you compared them with photos of the real thing yet?
Thanks, BH & GFR.
Jeez! How could I overlook that?
Fixed now...
The only most important thing I still can't understand is... When making panel lines, am I suppose to repeat everything I see on the drawings? Even the things that are not actual panel lines (things like wing shapes, exhaust tubes, small embossed things, hatches, underwing details.t.c.)? do you guys do that? If do this, then the black outlines will become culprits in the future when I make small 3D work, right?
I don't think my current exp is enough to make it properly... So I'm not sure yet...![]()
Dont worry, I see stuff all the time in my work, and just scratch my head and wonder how it got there.
Forrest for the trees and all that.
Only the panel lines.
Personally I like to draw everything else ie the actual wing, wing/tail fairings, hatches, cowls, canopies exhausts and "small embossed things" as separate easily editable objects
Fair enough, its by far the toughest look to get right.
Or is it matte paint, either way I'm currently struggling with both looks.![]()
This is where you need to look at photos. Some lines on the drawings show contour or underlying structure and aren't visible or at the least do not have lines on I suppose to repeat everything I see on the drawings
Do a search here for the Frank, I'm pretty sure someone else was working on one but I can't remember who. It was very detailed if I remember right.
Really, I'm not kidding although it is funny. I've forgotten most of those little but important details. I think I have early onset alzheimers!Very funny mister Jones.![]()
Thanks, GFR & BH... I think I get it now...
Another "basic" q that still bothers me is: when making really small details like gunsight or tail wheel e.t.c. do I need to make them big so I can make every small element properly and then I merge this group and transform it to be as small as it should be? or I'm supposed to make it 1:1 from the start?
Depends, I draw them as big as I can get them and then downsize them but I'd say what ever you did for these cockpit details is close enough because they look quite good. Perhaps the seat thing could use a bit of dirt and paintwear but the shapes look great.
Does anyone remember who was working on one of these here???
I did a search but didn't come up with anything.
I spent quite a lot of time trying to search for Hayate/Frank/Ki-84... Couldn't find anything, except this Jan 2007 imageless post by guy named Clave:
Btw, while searching -- I found your "Zero" thread, BLOWHARD... They're awesome, man...I must always consult such stuff...
Anyway, I finished spinner (you should have warned me HOW time consuming the profilin' making might be...):
Since it's my 1st fully finished spinner, your comments are more than welcome... I still not sure about some details, but here you go:
Last edited by Mangas; 13th September 2011 at 19:13.