Hello there,
i haven't been here for quite a while, but nevertheless i did some profiling. Besides some other projects i was really impressed and inspired by Blowhards' amazing work on the Albatros D.V. I drew this machine myself quite a time ago and tried to improve it now by some techniques i learned at Simmerspaintshop and according to the very detailed photo material of wingnut wings and vintage aviator. And while i was working on the D.V i decided to do some more WWI-stuff...
So here are two new drawings for you: it's a Albatros D.V flown by Paul Bäumer at Jasta 5 and a Pfalz D.IIIa flown by Rudolf Berthold at Jasta 18.
I know i can't compete with Blowhard's skills but my drawings are mainly made for the german Wikipedia. I hope you like them anyway and critique is always welcome...