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Thread: Siebel 5-in-1

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Siebel 5-in-1


    The colours on the Siebel are maybe a little bit off, but it's really hard to find them in the right way! After adding many layers of light, shadows, weathering the colours look very different from the original colour chip.

    John mentioned that also my colours are not right, but after seeing some of my profiles printed I know that the final result looks a little bit different as I see it in my PC. The contrast between RLM70 and RLM71 is much lesser as it looks on a monitor. The colours made by Ronnie look good, but if I add them to my profiles I will not see any difference between these colours.

    Cheers, Simon
    Luftwaffe Aviation Art
    made by Simon Schatz
  2. #32

    Re: Siebel 5-in-1

    This video is really useful for getting a feeling of the intensity and contrast of these colours:
    Check for example at 0:05.

    Btw. when I studied aeronautical engineering in the '90s we had an almost pristine Siebel 204 rudder in our uni's aircraft collection, complete with RLM 70/71 splinter camo. No clue where it came from but I studied it closely of course. Likewise we had a Bf 109 E propeller in RLM 70. Again not a clue where it came, from but it was in excellent condition, complete with cogworks. Some aircraft restorers would kill for it!
    Please see Facebook for my latest work:
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  3. #33

    Re: Siebel 5-in-1

    lovely find Skyraider
    Harriers...uppy downy things.

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