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Thread: A6M2-21 Zero

  1. #1

    A6M2-21 Zero

    Just a quick one for the basic shape and the shade of green, have taken the initial from the swatches on this site but really not convinced so wondered what values others had used for this.
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    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  2. #2

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    hehehehe, like anyone around here would know?
    The grey is probably too light although you could get away with it as is. It probably should be more brownish-green-grey, but that's pretty debatable too. The green is IMHO too green and too blue.
    But again, no matter what colors you use, there are enough opinions in every camp for IJN colors that you would get arguments no matter what colors you use
    I've probably forgotten what I knew but if I remember correctly, that's a Nakajima built plane because of the swoopy demarcation line. Mitsubishi built planes have straight line caomo uppers.
    I'll have to check but each manufacturer had a different green too, one more olive and one more blue-ish. I'll post what colors I used tonight.
    Also, I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure all these planes had a tight but soft edge between the upper and lower color. Up close some examples are have pretty rough uneven edges too.

    (This profile still has the old glass, I'll post another tonight.

    Other than all that, it's looking really nice! Very Zero like

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    cheers BH,

    knew you would put him right, thats why i hung back

    where the hell did this come from chris!!!!! twas not on ya list
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  4. #4

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    Came through yesterday, want the four view profile of a green A6M2 with an 'interesting' scheme, got just over a week to turn it out and that is on top of the long list of weird stuff and now a Ratel 20 to add to the list.

    At least I've got the basic shape right, the rest can easily be changed and then argued over.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  5. #5

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    'interesting' scheme
    Aha, if you really want interesting you might not meet your deadline
    I'll post some interesting ones if I have anything on hand

  6. #6

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    Emails send Ink! Here's another one to look at that's updated and all-
    Name:  a6m2_21_301-139.jpg
Views: 548
Size:  39.7 KB

  7. #7

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    Here's what colour green I came up with for my G7M what-if (
    In my view Blowhard's Zero is too washed out and yellowish, while Inkworm is clearly the opposite.

    NB. The "grey" in my image below is not grey paint but NMF, but lacking reflection in the texture. One side clean, other side weathered for as far as that wasn't obvious!

    Of course when in doubt of Japanese a/c colours there's only one place to go: Aviation of Japan ??????
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    Last edited by Skyraider3D; 31st January 2012 at 22:27.
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  8. #8

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    too washed out and yellowish
    I'd prefer to call it a dusty faded patina myself My colors are adjusted more to artistic choice rather than 100% chip accuracy. I try to get close but I'm also after a certain look as well. Point taken though.

    I sent him that link Skyraider, but he's got such a tight deadline I bet he doesn't/didn't have much time to search

    Speaking of, hasn't that deadline come and gone? Or are you still working on it?
    Can we see it yet?

  9. #9

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    Speaking of, hasn't that deadline come and gone? Or are you still working on it?
    Can we see it yet?
    Deadline hasn't gone yet, it's this Tuesday, though 23:59 is the time I'm hoping for and other stuff has been getting in the way, however I've not settled on colours yet but do appreciate the help/links. Still got some stuff to add, the underside to do, undercarriage and the starboard side, then decide on an 'interesting' scheme that is green.
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    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    I like the side view thought it could be improved by adding rivets and their associatied shading effects. In the top view the paint chipping on the wing root could use more shading.

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