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Thread: A6M2-21 Zero

  1. #11

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    About the chipping, that green is painted over the underside color, that underside color is painted over a red oxide colored primer. Most likely, or at least most people who have studied Zeros, agree that the light colored chipping is the underside color, not bare metal. The protective color (seen on the underside) was pretty glossy and durable. The idea is the the green paint didn't stick to well to it. On the cowling the bare metal is ok.
    The over-chipped Zeros you see photos are almost always damaged derelicts from bombing and strafing raids. Or, if still in service and chipped badly, they are field painted, not factory painted. At least that's what I get from looking over photos.
    Other late war planes, like Skyraider brings up, were painted green over bare metal, no primer, and that chipped. But Zeros not so much.
    It's your call since this isn't 100% verifiable, but I'd urge you to change that chipping from bare metal to the underside color .
    Speaking of color, your underside might be a bit bright/light.

    Overall, it's looking really nice! It's always good to see upper/lower views with the profile too

  2. #12

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    I forgot to post this if you're interested-
    Weathering question

  3. #13

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    Cheers for all that, I'd have missed it and left everything shiny, great article as well. Not sure if I've gone over the top with the chipping now.

    There are rivets in there Supah, they just don't show up resized down, should come out ok in print but might turn up the opacity anyway to be safe.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  4. #14

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    There probably is too much chipping, I've seen Zeros that have come out of the jungle after 30-40 years that have better paint Certainly the planes left abandoned after bombing are usually in better shape as far as paint. But, you could get away with it easy if you like that look or think that's what your client wants
    A great deal of Zero profiles show them looking chipped up just like that so at least you're in good company

    Here's a good example, planes stacked up ready to be scrapped after the war.

    Notice how little chipping there is on the Zero, even where it is badly dented and smashed. That J2M behind it is an example of the green being painted directly over bare metal.
    Also notice the fuzzy edge of the upper-lower camouflage on the Zero fuselage.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    Even though I will almost certainly never profile a Zeke (or anything else Japanese) this has been an enlightening thread.

    Like the Luftwaffe colour debates, it makes for equally scary/fascinating discussions, even for an outsider like me.

    Anything that helps bridge the enormous gaps in my knowledge is a good thing and can only help with my work in the future.
  6. #16

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    Ran out of time but thanks again for the links and help with colours. Client happy as well so now on to the next job.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  7. #17

    Re: A6M2-21 Zero

    Very VERY nice Ink! Especially given the short time from start to finish. I still think your underside color is too light and saturated but there are people who would back you up on that color too. The spinner should be painted a silver color, but again, no big problem there, just a plane specific nit-pick that most people would never know.
    Another funny thing, even though most all drawings show the drop tank as being angled like you have it, they were mounted parallel to the center line. There just isn't any explanation why all the drawings show this wrong, they just do The odd thing is most plastic models get it right. Go figure

    All around good job Ink!!!


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