For several months, we had the "Goldeneye" Pilatus (i.e. the one used in the James Bond movie) stuck in Compiègne. It's painted gold in reference to the movie.
During a para drop flight, the guy who opened the door inadvertently deployed his chute. The chute was sucked out of the aircraft and got caught in the tailplane. Luckily the attached owner wasn't ejected from the aircraft.
However, the chute remained stuck in the tailplane and the drag was such that it warped the entire tailplane and rear fuselage. They had to do an emergency landing with limited horizontal stabilizer response.
At first, when I saw it sitting in a hangar, I didn't notice anything wrong. Then somebody told me to look at the angle of the entire tailplane assembly, and I noticed it had rotated about 8° clockwise. The damage to the fuselage was less visible but still warranted a return to Pilatus for a near-complete rebuild.