I got hold of a repair manual from one of the ex-Army Porters that details each piece of the airframe construction. It really does look like they started with an aluminium box and just kept adding plates until it stopped failing!
pha..you missed two rivets....
I got hold of a repair manual from one of the ex-Army Porters that details each piece of the airframe construction. It really does look like they started with an aluminium box and just kept adding plates until it stopped failing!
Hi Grubby,
forgive me ...
But I mean here you have to repair something ...
because here there is a hole / pipe ... you can see through!
It is screwed or riveted, for passing insertion of the rod for lifting.
But it's a great profile of yourself!
My great respect
Last edited by helischmidt; 31st May 2012 at 18:04.
flyingART for ever
bitte auch die Endscheibe an der Höhenflosse beachten
Fotos © by H.-J.Fischer
I don't care how nice your profile is, that tail is still offensive and the designers should be shot![]()
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Thanks for the feedback, guys.
I'll invoke Artist's Licence on the tube hole. Yes, you can see through it, but it becomes a distracting focal point if it is white.
I'll look at the end plate, though. Something's not right!
hier ist noch ein Foto vom Seiten-und Höhenleitwerk
Foto © by H.-J.FISCHER
Here's a Kiwi one.
The hits just keep coming![]()