Otterkins2 (David 'Dave' Mulligan) and his friend Glen McLean (left).
The photo was taken in 2002.
Simmers without Otterkins is almost unthinkable. He will be with us all for a long time I am certain.
Thanks for sharing the pictures, helischmidt.
It's nice to be able to be able to see him, even if it is posthumously.
I have been giving some thought of sending his family a condolence cards from SPS members who wish to do so.
If that seems OK to the SPS "board of directors"and if SPS members wish to do so, I'll happily buy a card, print the messages and send the whole lot to his family.
What do you think? I obviously don't mean to intrude into his family's life, but in such times it is often comforting to hear from friends, or simply people who respected and admired the lost one.
If anyone thinks this is a bad or inappropriate idea, please don't hesitate to say so.
Thanks for sharing those, even though most of us never actually met him and thought he actually was a small furry animal I'm still glad I got to know him online, better than having never known him at all.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
I think this is a very nice and good idea. As the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 was his favourite aircraft and as he really liked my drawings of this very plane i could draw a very personnally version just for him. If you think that's a good idea i could send the picture to you Gamary. Do you have any suggestions what it should look like? Maybe a canadian version with Otter's avatar on the tail?
Very sad news indeed.
Rest in peace, Otterkins.
You're in better place now and You'll never be forgotten here.