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Thread: DH.9A Ninak

  1. #21

    Re: DH.9A Ninak

    How much time? Never enough
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  2. #22

    Re: DH.9A Ninak

    Anything missing?
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    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  3. #23

    Re: DH.9A Ninak

    Looks GREAT!
    But shouldn't you see the cabane struts a little? Or are they completely in line with the other struts? I see Ronny Bar didn't show them either...but...
    I'd think you'd at lease see part of the large brackets that the struts mount to on the fuselage.
    But if that's how you say it is, I believe you

  4. #24

    Re: DH.9A Ninak

    Without a visit to Hendon I couldn't tell you 100% but looking at the photos seems to indicate they are obscured. However I am open to other opinions on the matter so see what you think.

    And I did use your wheel for reference what font did you use for it?
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  5. #25

    Re: DH.9A Ninak

    Very nice!
    I have also a drawing of this period - Avro Bison 555 (third prototype).
  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: DH.9A Ninak

    Ooh! Nice! Really nice! It still has a big nose but I like it!
  7. #27

    Re: DH.9A Ninak

    Ink, my guess if that if you can see the second bay of inter-plane struts because of the slight sweep of the wing, then you would see the cabane struts behind and forward of the inner bay of inter-plane struts. They line up on the two wing spars.
    Name:  ninak-wip-3.jpg
Views: 170
Size:  72.9 KB
    At least it makes sense. Your call.
    If you do, check the sweep of the spar and the distance between the struts, you might not see very much...

  8. #28

    Re: DH.9A Ninak

    Looking very good for something that ugly!!
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  9. #29

    Re: DH.9A Ninak

    Any guesses what colour the serial number on the tail would be, my most likely guess would be a mid shade of grey similar to the fuselage colour on others but second opinions always useful.

    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  10. #30

    Re: DH.9A Ninak

    One half red, one half blue - reversed of the tri-colour!
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