I would be interested in the French aircraft especially, if there is an easy way for you to share them. (I don't want to trouble you more than necessary, especially since I also live close to Le Bourget and have some pictures of my own. If ever you need something, don't hesitate to ask.Superb !
I spent a good part of yesterday at Le Bourget Museum. Shot 85 picts of MiG-21F-13 - S-106 #1103, are you interested ? I know the thing is well advanced now... but anyway I can stuff it and put it to download.
Btw, shot some of the other birds on the parking there, that is Jaguar A, MiG-23MLD (?), Mirage 4000, F-104G #7118 (tried to get all the stencils hires), and a bit of Etendard IVM, Rafale A, SMB2. If anyone interested.)