Everyone's drawing 109s at the moment, I'm staying out of this one![]()
Hi guys,
I've found enough documents to prepare Bärwolf's Bf109G8 (Yellow 13 and Yellow 1).
First step for me: make my personal blueprint in vectorial drawing.
Everyone's drawing 109s at the moment, I'm staying out of this one![]()
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Feel free !!
Yes, from the author...Then, I can start my project. This is the only photos we have from Bärwolf in Normandy in 44...But it's enought for me to interpreted colors. The Yellow 12 is not his Me, but it come from the same unit.
That's good, at least your not going to be profiling blind. There might be more out there. Leave it with me.![]()
I'm not much of an expert on late war Bf109G s but his aircraft could look quite different to the photos above. Reconnaissance units usually were allocated aircraft that previously served with other units. It would be worth finding out from the WNrs what factories his aircraft were produced at for a ball park guess at what camouflage patterns would have originally been applied.![]()
G8 was high altitude model wasn't it?... (I'm away from my books right now).
If so, it should have got a pressurised cockpit, so the air intake below the windshield should not be there...
Find my skins at:www.lowengrin.com
15 June 1944: 3./NAGr13 BF109G WNr.710091 Lt. Paul-Adalbert Bärwolf was according to the WNr. block 702000 - 780000 was a Bf109G-14 possibly an AS version? Possibly clean configuration as no G-14 recon versions were produced. This aircraft would have been brand new!
19 July 1944: 3./NAGr13 Bf109G-8 WNr.200046 (Yellow 1) Lt. Paul-Adalbert Bärwolf (POW) according to the WNr. block 20000 - 200000 was indeed a Bf109G-8
Maybe someone else with this book can double check the above?
Source: Bf109 Recognition Manual, By Marco Fernandez Sommerau
Not sure on the Pressurized cabin it just mentions that a vollsichtkabine (?) were gradually phased in throughout the production run of the G-8.
Last edited by Clint Mitchell; 4th August 2012 at 14:14.
Thanks for all informations, especialy for WNr..The Bärwolf's Me Bf109 was the Yellow 13 and was shut down in July 44.
Yes, normaly, it was a G8 (no hight altitude model - no pressure cockpit)
Step by step...