I'll guess they bring out three versions and only the most expensive one is really good
But some of those scenery is really quite amazing.
The first set of screenshots and information about the next version of Microsofts' Flight Simulator X (10) has been released! Click below to check it out.
I'll guess they bring out three versions and only the most expensive one is really good
But some of those scenery is really quite amazing.
Indeed, very nice pics. Would imagine that you would need a top end machine to get graphics like those though![]()
I plan to stick with FS9 for a while, at least until the 'community' have got to work and created plenty of new stuff for FS10![]()
WowThat is some nice scenery. I think I heard my computer gasp at the thought of having everything turned up to play with that level of detail lol. Very nice though. I certainly would like to take my rocket equipped P-38 along that highway
Originally Posted by turnipkiller
Be carefull doing that. Rumour has it that with all settings maxed out that if you buzz the traffic on the highway, a little guy jumps out of his truck and shakes his fist at you!!![]()
More eye candy for ya....$=main/notams06/fsx0104.htm
Last edited by Hunhunter; 6th January 2006 at 12:07.
Oh man that is something else. That dockyard scene with all the containers piled up is quite breathtaking. I wonder if the L.A. version of the man shaking his fist shoots at you.![]()
I must ask, how do the Microsoft Simulators compare to IL2? I have never tried any of them, as a matter of fact the last "simulator" I played before IL2 was Their Finest Hour, many years ago in High School (that was THE game back then lol). I was tempted to pick up a copy of MFS because I saw a Dambusters Raid pack at the local used games store back home, but I never got it. Maybe I should have now that I think of it.
In one word....REALISIMOriginally Posted by turnipkiller
I guess it depends what you are looking for really. IL2 is more of a game, great if you like shooting stuff and has good graphics. MSFS really comes into its own if you treat it purely as a simulator. If you have a real interest in the more technical aspect of flying then FS is the way to go.
For example, suppose you want to fly from Orlando to Zepherhills airport. In FS you can measure the distance on the map, work out the heading to fly and how long it will take at a given speed. Then you can take off and fly the route and if you got your sums right, you should arrive at your destination right on time. You can even do this just by using the instruments and you can make IFR flights without ever looking at the ground!! You can also tune into VOR/ADF/DME frequencies and use radio nav aids to track/confirm your position. If you're feeling lazy, you can use a GPS on screen which looks and works like the real thing too.
I used FS2004 to very good effect when doing my pilot training and even flew my final qualifying flight a few times on the PC before doing it for real. Everything was exactly the same except on the PC I was sitting at home and not in a real plane!!![]()
I'm curious about that, HH, and, since I've never flown, please tell me: which sim *feels* more like piloting an airplane? My impression of the FS series is that it does a great job of simulating RW visual and radio navigation, but I've never felt that the aircraft acted exactly right in response to controls, especially in high AOA and drastic maneuvering. The responses seem too steady and predictable, the stalls too gentle. Is that so, or have I been misled by all these generations of twitchy combat sims?![]()
I'm so glad you said that Vig, I always thought IL2 was 'twitchy' but can you imagine the outcry if you said that on the UBI forums???Originally Posted by Vigilante
I have never flown or flown in any plane that 'feels' as twitchy as the stuff in IL2. Certainly the warbirds I have flown in felt very smooth and controlled, much like driving in a car on a smooth road.
As far as handling or flight models in FS, it varies to be honest. Some of the freeware stuff is almost unflyable....some like the L16 I downloaded a few weeks ago is simply mindblowing. I mostly use a payware (Flight1) Cessna 152 as that is what I fly for real at the moment. It is very good and behaves pretty much like the real thing with the exception of stalls/spins.
If you have FS9, try downloading the L16 as that is about as close as you'll get to 'real feel', esp if you read the manual and try and fly it by the numbersBetter still, go to the local airport and grab a trial lesson. Half an hour wont cost that much and will show you more than any sim could.