Thanks, fellas! I think I'll load up FS9 and give it a spin, maybe a radio navigation exercise from Halifax to Greenland. Are there any freebie DC-3 models around that you would recommend?
Flying quality really does vary by model. It comes to personal preference in many cases. It's not uncommon to see FS models mentioned as "tuned for hand flying" or such.
As for the flight models in drastic manuvers, I can't say. Most of my flights are planned out IFR trips and when I follow the checklists the aircraft is never in a compromising condition. In fact my biggest worry is fuel pre-planning and achieving a good economical climb.
What I look for in a flight model is a well designed climb and cruise, with correct fuel useage and attitude. Also I enjoy having a well modeled approach with realistic sink rate, flare attitude, and floating. That's the most alert section of the flight for me and when it works right it's a thrill.
Thanks, fellas! I think I'll load up FS9 and give it a spin, maybe a radio navigation exercise from Halifax to Greenland. Are there any freebie DC-3 models around that you would recommend?
The default DC-3 is the best I've seen. I outfitted mine with new flight dynamics and sounds from this site:
Flys nicely I think, back when I flew it most I went everywhere in it. Most recently (early last year) I flew from Alaska to California along the coast, passing Mt. McKinley... what an incredible sight.
BTW, if you're interested in flying in the virtual cockpit, I did a repaint of the whole interior and rebuilt the vc panel. A pic is attached. If you are interested let me know and I'll see if I can get it too you.
Last edited by Serval; 8th October 2006 at 16:08.
Wow I just might pick a copy of this up then it sounds pretty good. Don't get me wrong, I like IL2 and shooting things up, but a nice putter around would be cool too.
EDIT** I forgot to ask, how hard is it on a computer? I mean similar to FB if everything is turned up etc.? Thanks.![]()
I have a P4 1800 and a GF2 grapics card on an oldish machine. I have no trouble at all running FS2004 unless I start maxing out the settings. PF on the other hand is much more demanding on RAM due to all the AI and gunfire whizzing around.
Well that sounds good then. I'm not sure about the specifics of my computer, I think it's a P4 with a Nvidia Force 2 card of some kind and only 384 RAM, but it got me by for a few years with IL2/PF,f so I should be Ok. I shall try the Microsoft game if I can find it. Thanks for info.![]()