Hi mate, looks pretty good! Some minor issues though. No worries, the amount of text looks far worse than it is and a lot of it is nitpicking (but hey, that's why you gave me a shout I assume)!
The biggest issue is the propeller/spinner. The prop blades look too small but more importantly the spinner should be rotated counter-clockwise by 1.75 degrees, as the spinner axis on the Mustang is pointed down a little from the horizon. This also should correct the bottom silhouette of the engine, which seems to curve up a bit too much (or the curvature starts too far from the wing root). The chin air intake leading edge should slant forward a little too (you have this vertical now).
The windshield looks a little too shallow. Canopy looks good for some K-models, though most D-models had more rounded shapes. Wait till you have your subject before you trouble yourself changing this.
The hole for firing the flare gun is missing (under the canopy).
The wingtip needs a highlight on the top as it's difficult to distinguish it now. I do believe you have captured the laminar flow airfoil but I can't really see it well.
Bomb/droptank rack looks a tiny bit too small to my eye, but difficult to be sure.
The rudder nav light is missing. Be sure to look at wartime photos for reference as current day warbirds have larger lights.
You have two "holes" in the rear fuselage. The front-most one is a static pressure port and should be a shiny metal disc instead of a hole.
If you open the supercharger hatch at the back you probably would need to open the smaller hatch at the bottom of the airscoop too. (not 100% sure on this)
There's also a tiny air scoop on the side missing here.
It's subtle on your profile, but be sure the highlight on the engine cowling is nearly horizontal. It starts at the bottom edge of the windshield side windows but should run to the top of the spinner, as the cowling there is pretty flat on top.
Here are some photos that may help:
Photos: North American P-51D Mustang Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net - near-perfect side view profile.
Photos: North American P-51D Mustang Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net
Photos: North American P-51D Mustang Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net
Good views of the cowling. Notice how "flat" it is on top, right behind the spinner (not unlike the Spitfire... Merlin engine afterall).
O, lastly, be aware that the tail fin fillet on the P-51D-10 till D-20 was slightly hollow on top. This photo shows it beauitifully:
(also note the small rudder nav light compared to the first link above)
Most current survivors have the D-25 and later style straight tail fin fillet. So again be sure to check what aircraft you model, when you get the colour scheme through from your client.
Overall excellent job. A few tweaks would make it even better. Hope this helps!