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Thread: My first post

  1. #11

    Re: My first post


    Inkworm, thats the problem. I´ve seen some of my work in prints, T-shirts and other merchandising without my permission. I dont know how they get them!!

    About the A-4C scheme, it seems that this scooter, the C-322, was dark brown. Some Skyhawks where re-painted before war, with the Dark olive, and some of them kept this scheme. So both scheme were used in the A-4C.

    Happy new year to all of you by the way!!
  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: My first post

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Z View Post
    I´ve seen some of my work in prints, T-shirts and other merchandising without my permission. I dont know how they get them!!
    If you are really serious about your question Christian, you have a loooong way to go at the dark side of Photoshop.

    I think it is not common for an artwork with no watermark will end up on t-shirts. Otherwise, everybody at the International F-104 Society would have Lieuwe's amazing F-104 profiles printed on their underpants. Well, I do not have too much data to prove the opposite though.

    People steal your artwork to make a few dolars profit. These are "6 USD men". You can find them selling reprints of already published Bf 109 photos at eBay, while they claim that they have the original negatives. One of them in US got a penalty in the German court for violating copyright laws but even this did not stop him. He is still the No1 Bf 109 parts seller at ebay. Let me tell you that no watermark can stop them.

    Well, this is my 2 cents worth. Profiles are yours (and underpants are mine).

    Lieuwe, if you are reading this, I have just completed the instrument panel of D-8058. Can we please proceed to complete the profile?
  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: My first post

    Quote Originally Posted by batura View Post
    I think it is not common for an artwork with no watermark will end up on t-shirts. Otherwise, everybody at the International F-104 Society would have Lieuwe's amazing F-104 profiles printed on their underpants.
    Annoyingly people actually do that! I have caught people printing my work on mugs etcetera. if it is just for non-profit personal use I let them off with a warning, if not that is why I have legal insurance.

    Lieuwe, if you are reading this, I have just completed the instrument panel of D-8058. Can we please proceed to complete the profile?
    Contact me at lieuwe(dot)mail(at)gmail(dot)com with a picture of how you want it to look and I will work on it

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  4. #14

    Re: My first post

    Quote Originally Posted by Supah View Post
    If it is just for non-profit personal use I let them off with a warning,
    The second time we send John round
    Harriers...uppy downy things.

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