If this is your first, I should just give it up. Nice work. Cannot answer your question.
Hi, I'm a little bit of a novice here. This is my first aviation profile which was modelled and internal rendered in Blender 3d. As you perhaps can see, the textures are a little bit inconsistent and need some more attention. And I still have some general work to do on the fine detail. But due to the fact I am working basically from some plans that with hindsight may be a little dubious and reference images from the web! I feel I may be going wrong in one or two directions. For instance, when I look at the outer edge of my lower wing. Are my end ribs to pronounced? Other profiles I have seen seem to show the end of the wing ribs a little flatter toward the end. Got a feeling that someone on here may be a ww1 aircraft expert and able to point me in the correct direction in general.
Thanks in advance.
If this is your first, I should just give it up. Nice work. Cannot answer your question.
Wildr, Fear not as this has been created using the dark art of 3D visualization. Us mere mortals are still pottering around with flat 2D style profiles.![]()
My mind doesn't work in the elusive third dimension, nice work though.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
I thought 3rd dimension was a local gay club.
Just kidding.
Very nice first attempt, Butts. I'm not shocked by the looks of the ribbing but I'm no WW1 aircraft expert. I think your next step might be refining the textures (2D!!!)to give it a more natural look. Keep us posted!
Oh my god. I never knew you were all flat liners. I feel I may have trodden on hallowed ground here. Being serious, thanks for the comments folks. Will update as soon as possible. I do have some 2d background though, as I do a little drawing and used to have a bash at oil painting. I thought 2d and 3d cg graphics would be an easier and quicker medium - it's not! Just difficult in a different way (just as much time). Thanks again.
Welcome to SPS, Butts!
Nice looking work. We've got a mix of 2D and 3D artists here, you'll fit right in!![]()
Overall nice work! Some points that stand out though.
I'd check the geometry of your roundel, it looks like you took a circular selection and just shrunk it. Somehow in photoshop this leads to a deformed circle. Often it is better to use shapes instead.
The colours seem very bright to me on the roundel, are these correct?
Another thing that pops out is the weathering of the machinegun, it looks a bit over done. I am sure better care was taken of the guns so they would not deteriorate into the state you have them in now.