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Hi guys. I'm working on a project for the 60th anniversary of the Patrouille de France. For this project, I have to create templates for the F-84G Thunderjet, Mystère IV and probably Ouragan (I've done some, but they are old and not so good).
I was hoping someone could either share or indicate where I can find a good plan for the F-84G. What I've found for the moment is not terrific and I don't have much in the way of side photographs to do a good one myself.
Thanks in advance!
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This will be a good one![]()
Do a Thunderscreech instead, much more fun, I'll send over what I've got if you want though I think John had an issue with the tip tanks.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Thanks to all of you for your help!
My email address is webmaster[AT]gaetanmarie[DOT]com.
Thanks to you guys' help, I now have several plans that seem rather good, but I'm not yet fully satisfied. Does anyone have good side-view photographs that could be used to check which one is the best?
I've checked the usual sources (google image search,,, etc...) but I haven't been able to find a really good side-view photograph for the purpose.
I do now have a decent amount of F-84 walkarounds so if anyone wants these, just drop me a line and I'll share what I've found.![]()
No photos in what you've been sent? Try Flickr, seems to be quite a bit on there and might be something or failing that composite up an image from the walk arounds.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
But it is rare to get a really good side profile shot from far enough away to avoid any perspective and if it is the only option left to use as a starting point then what can you do?![]()
Harriers...uppy downy things.