I'm taking a break so here's an update.
As you can see, I'm working from the front towards the rear now that I've done the main shapes.
I've always been fairly slow at creating new templates, so this is going to be a challenge for me. This weekend, the Patrouille de France will be celebrating its 60th anniversary. I've already done all of the aircraft they previously operated: F-84, Ouragan, Mystère IV and Alpha Jet.
I did the Alpha Jet years ago but it's really quite bad:
So, my challenge is: have a new (and preferably good) Alphajet template by this weekend. Saturday would be the ideal.
I haven't found decent plans but I found good side pictures to use as a basis. I nearly went blind after sifting through 2500+ pictures of the "gadget" on airliners.net but was satisfied with my selection of pictures. I then decided it was time to go to bed, erased the whole set of pictures and happily turned the computer off.
This morning, I went blind again doing exactly the same thing, except for the deletion part. I should learn from my mistakes and make a few dozen copies just in case.
Anyway, I started the template a little before noon, and here is where it now stands:
Comments are welcome. Until Saturday, that is.![]()
I'm taking a break so here's an update.
As you can see, I'm working from the front towards the rear now that I've done the main shapes.
mich verwirrt es immer etwas wenn ich lese oder Höre dass solche Zeichnungen in wenigen Stunden erstellt werden. Ich benötige für eine Drei-Seiten-Ansicht je nach vorhanden Unterlagen 3-4 Wochen. Täglich etwa 5-7 Stunden.
Diese zeit habe ich auch schon bei Papier-Zeichnungen benötigt. Jetzt mit der Software ist es nicht viel weniger.
Was noch mehr erstaunt, ich kümmere mich kaum um irgendwelche Schattierungen, ist für meine Zeichnungen auch uninteressant.
Und nun meine Frage: wie schaffen Sie das in wenigen Stunden. Es kann ja nicht sein dass ich zu wenig Erfahrung habe......
Google Translate:
It always confused me a little when I read or Listen that such drawings are created in a few hours. I'm looking for a three-view drawing 3-4 weeks, depending on the available documents. Every day about 5-7 hours.
This time I've also needed in paper drawings. Now with the software, it is not much less.
What is even more surprising, I care little about any shades too uninteresting for my drawings.
And now my question: how do you do that in a few hours. It can not be that I have too little experience ......, my drawings are regularly published in various magazines since 1982
Beste Grüße
If it's any help, a General Aviation template (Cessna 172) takes me about 25 hours, something basic military (Pilatus Porter) takes twice that and a helo (Kiowa) can take 100 hours.
And I thought you would just have a room full of floppy disks with it all on
I would never delete a file, if you do then you are guaranteed to need it the next day. Agree with the shading/line drawing once you get the hang of it and if you can get a decent set of walk arounds you're fine. And cockpits are the worst.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
@Hans-Jürgen: Well, I had already done the research on this one and "all" that was left to do is the actual drawing. I think the total time spent will be about 50 hours.
I have put more work on it and here is the new update:
Most of the time spent was on the ejection seats and instruments, as Supah pointed out. I did cheat a bit as some elements are modified pictures. In particular, I couldn't get a clear idea of what's behind the seats, so there has been some pasting and guessing in those sections...
@Grubby: yeah, the helos are a pain in the a**. And to think that Ugo has done dozens of them...I've only done the Colibri, which was quite easy, and the Gazelle (not nearly as easy).
Hallo Gamary,
danke für ihre Anrwort, Danke auch an GrubbyFingers für seine Zeitangaben.
thank you for your reply, thank you to GrubbyFingers for his times.
they will also draw the German Alpha Jet Version?