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  1. #11

    Re: Vought V-507 VFX F-14 Competition

    Well I don't care what you all say I like it and want to see a V-507K RN scheme

    I did hear that consideration was given on more than one occasion to a naval Typhoon including one that could be a tail sitter and vertical take off. No idea how they'd recover it though.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Vought V-507 VFX F-14 Competition

    You have my admiration steering away from the tried and true (Mustangs and such) and doing the obscure and what if. Good stuff.

    Even though the French influence seems obvious. You've gotta admit that the huge anhedral tail is doing it no favours in the aesthetic stakes.
  3. #13

    Re: Vought V-507 VFX F-14 Competition

    Quote Originally Posted by inkworm View Post
    Well I don't care what you all say I like it and want to see a V-507K RN scheme
    Definitely. Going to do an Aeronavale one eventually, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by GiantFlyingRobots View Post
    You have my admiration steering away from the tried and true (Mustangs and such) and doing the obscure and what if. Good stuff.

    Even though the French influence seems obvious. You've gotta admit that the huge anhedral tail is doing it no favours in the aesthetic stakes.
    Thanks! Aesthetically, though, I don't think it's any worse than the Tornado, for example. Actually, I like it a bit better. Also, it's better than most of its competitors for VFX.

    The problem with these rare types is that there's obviously very little reference material on these since there are so few pictures of them. The advantages, though, are that it's far tougher to point out flaws and you've got much less competition for "best" V-507 profile. Same thing for the He 100 and P-61F, for example.

    I know I've said it before, but I try to do profiles of aircraft that never really got their time in the sun, mainly to draw awareness to their designs and to suggest that they really were practical. Profiles of such aircraft generally exist, but are almost exclusively fairly simple with none of the lighting and shading treatment that "real" aircraft get when they're profiles. I think that only makes them seem more fantastic, so I try to make them as realistic and "gritty" as possible, to emphasize the fact that they had almost as good a chance as the "real" aircraft, but for one reason or another, they didn't make the cut.


  4. #14

    Re: Vought V-507 VFX F-14 Competition

    In case anyone's up for another:

    This one's clean--no missiles.


  5. #15

    Re: Vought V-507 VFX F-14 Competition

    Finally got the chance to do an Iranian one. It'll get missiles after the Revolution.

    Vought V-507 F-14A Vagabond - Iran by comradeloganov on deviantART


  6. #16

    Re: Vought V-507 VFX F-14 Competition

    Awesome, especially that last one!
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  7. #17

    Re: Vought V-507 VFX F-14 Competition

    Here's one the Dutch members of the forum should like. Lots of orange.


  8. #18

    Re: Vought V-507 VFX F-14 Competition

    Now one with some proper nose art and lots of stuff hanging off it.


  9. #19

    Re: Vought V-507 VFX F-14 Competition

    It's been a while since I updated this thread, so I thought I'd drop in the profiles of the V-507 that I've finished since then. I finally got Phoenixes on it!


  10. #20

    Re: Vought V-507 VFX F-14 Competition

    I know not everyone's a fan of the V-507, but here's an Iranian one with a full missile loadout.

    Vought V-507 F-14A Vagabond - Iran-Iraq War by comradeloganov on deviantART



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