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  1. #1

    25's Up at Flying Legends

    Hey guys I just uploaded my first skinpack !! 12 B-25J's of the fictitious 664th squadron. Please give them a try and let me know what you think!

    I have a G sqn. just about ready if you think its worth it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: 25's Up at Flying Legends

    Good looking skins.
    The weathering on the wingfront looks like big chuniks of paint are gone, but on the other hand it looks like the paint has faded there.

    I would have done big pieces of bare metal OR a faded look with scratches and a more faded edge
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    de Gooische matras

    Re: 25's Up at Flying Legends

    I did quite a few B-25 skins. I see that you have repositioned the red prop warning stripe. I never bothered with those much on the B-25J (I did on the B-25C) but it defenitly looks better then the default position where they partially touches the gun-packs. Furthermore, what Serval said. I'm not sure but it looks like you've mirrored the weathering from one wing to another. It shouldn't weathering on one wing is never the same as on the other. It shouldn't be too much work to change the wings a bit. I'm glad that you didn't apply the weathering on top of the black anti-ice boots on the leading edges of the wings, horizontal and vertical stabilizers. They are made of rubber. And often removed in tropic conditions. I am also a bit curious about how you picked the cammo colours. Did you have some reference or did you hand-pick them? And I also think the grey of the underside shouldn't go over the gunpacks. But I think the skin itself is pretty good. Alot better then some others I've seen.
    Last edited by 1.JaVA_Platypus; 19th January 2006 at 14:49.
  4. #4

    Re: 25's Up at Flying Legends

    Thanks for the comments guys, good points on the edge weathering. I'm going to try and break it into layers so the outside edge looks like paint while the middle appears bare, yes they are mirrored I really had no intention of weathering the edges quite so much got carried

    As for the paint scheme I did dream it up, I wanted to do something a little brighter then the normal OD and even tried some British greens before I went with more of a 'willow' green. My original intention was to get that 'Army man' look I remember so well

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