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  1. #11

    Re: Hello,

    Quote Originally Posted by helischmidt View Post
    Welcome Thierry here at SPS,

    no I am already flown 72 times around the sun ...
    and also doing since 2006 my profiles with Photoshop.

    Hello Heli,

    you're already an old sack, well, I also


    gerade bei den Chipmunk Zeichnungen ist mir aufgefallen, vor 31 Jahren
    habe ich dazu schon einmal etwas für MFI erstellt.....
  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Paris, France

    Re: Hello,

    Hi ,
    thanks about all details about beginning of some illustrator in the world
    please note that I never said I'm the first to use airbrush for profile, and I speak about Photoshop like professional illustrator, not as hobby , it's my only activity from 1999.
    Until now I published more of 5000 different profiles.
  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Hello,

    i'm still here Dave,
    nice to see Thierry as joined the ranks on Simmers, we all know his work, just what took you so long Thierry, i don't bite honestly.
    by the way i ain't the oldest, only 64, 27 weeks till no more truck driving.
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Paris, France

    Re: Hello,

    Hi all,
    okay it seems that I'm not the older guy in this forum, I'm really disappointed, because I believed only young people play on flying simulator and paint some skins
    SPS is a kind of "citizens senior club"
  5. #15

    Re: Hello,

    I know how you feel Thierry, I always feel like I'm old when I'm on the internet but John makes me fell like a spring chicken
    I was talking about Photoshop and professionally. All of the people I mention had published Photoshop aircraft art in books and as a profession by at least 98-99, some of them were professional artist before that. I've made my living as a working artist since 1990 and have been doing digital Photoshop work professionally since 96 but I myself choose to keep aircraft art as just that, not as a business. For me, my profiles are a surrogate art outlet since I do no art for myself anymore. For me, digital aircraft art is therapy. But the others I mentioned before were all in the aircraft aviation art business professionally. I would have thought you would haven been very familiar with Sundin, Pearson and Tullis, all who were pioneers of digital aircraft profiles and all had published artwork in the 90s.

    I do understand what you are getting at though. It is much easier than ever to claim being an aviation artist with a few reworked screen shots from flight simulators and a website. And these days anyone can self publish. Of course anyone with a computer and some sort of graphics or picture editing software can easily claim to be a "professional" artist. I started out as a freelance illustrator using real paint and real board and canvas and until I had a demand for digital artwork I had felt that computer art was a poor substitute for real art. But things have changed quite a bit!
    But as aviation artists, we're all friends here from the lightest hobbyist and beginner to the seasoned veteran, and even 64 year old truck drivers I, for one, am glad you're here Thierry

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Paris, France

    Re: Hello,

    Thanks for all those details
    I know all artists you mention me,
    but my remarks did not include one allusion about some others pseudo-artists on PC,
    Quite simply I thought (Im' really sorry) to be one of the first to use Photoshop for profiles as professional artist, and only around aviation subject
    I believe that Tullis use 3D, and others illustrator, Painter or Corel Draw, cause Photoshop in origin has not been attended for drawing but for photo enhancing.
    Also many of this artists have others activities.
    My english isn't "académique" and too poor for complex idea,I just wanted explain some details about me , may be many people know my artwork but not others detail about my activities, mainly in France and Europe with Lela Presse (Livres et Revues , AVIONS, Batailles Aériennes etc..)and Erik Mombeek (Luftwaffe gallery and others books ) Some work with Kary Stenmann .
    My english is a source of confuses...
    It Seems I'm not the first but last to start use photoshop as professional .
    As Jesus said in Matthew 19:30 : “But many who are first will be last and the last first." :lol
    By now I would just like to post my drawing , without any things more before I have enhanced my english Cause I take more time to write this message in bad english than do a new profile...
    Thierry Dekker
  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Hello,

    Let me add to the chorus of welcomes, like most here I'm a long time admirer of your work and look forward to you (hopefully) making regular contributions to this board. Don't worry too much about posting your bonafides, its really not all that important in the scheme of things whether you started today of 30 years ago and just as there is no one way to draw a profile there is no single route on the journey to get to where we are all at. The sharing of knowledge and our art work is the important thing.

    If nothing else you have enlivened what has become a pretty quite board of late and you've even managed to get John to post, something of a miracle in itself!
  8. #18

    Re: Hello,

    Welcome to the forum Thierry, you do great work and can rightfully be proud of that.

    I'm afraid for numbers nobody can beat Richard J. Caruana. He published his first digital work in 1989 (flat shaded) and became a regular at publishing fully-rendered digital profiles from 1995. I don't know how many profiles he has produced by now, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's well into the five digits by now
    Please see Facebook for my latest work:
    or visit my aviation art gallery and web store:
  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Turin, (Italy)

    Re: Hello,

    Welcome Thierry
    I use Photoshop since 1995... I am a pseudo artist... I drawing for hobbies (I am an technician, I have always made drawings and graphics for technical maintenance booklets, now teaching at a professional training school) I'm fifty years old, I found a lot of people who have patience and desire to share their knowledge in this forum...
    don't worry about your English... my wife always says that I speak barbarian English
  10. #20

    Re: Hello,

    O yes, been a pseudo-artists with Photoshop 3 since 1996 myself, professional from the year 2000 after graduating in Aeronautical Engineering.
    Please see Facebook for my latest work:
    or visit my aviation art gallery and web store:

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