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  1. #1
    Waffle Guest

    Waffle from AH Checking in -

    Glad to see the site up and running. Been a lurker to the previous incarnation of this one, and the il2skins site. Anyway - wish you guys luck and I look forward to discussions about the "art" of skinning, amongst other things.

    Enclosed are some screens of skins I've done for AH.

    Last edited by Waffle; 28th July 2005 at 09:18.
  2. #2

    Re: Waflle from AH Checking in -

    Show off Nice trees and tiles/Skins

    ^^^Remake that skin for new 109's
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Charleston, West Virginia

    Re: Waflle from AH Checking in -

    That striped nose a5 has always been my favorite skin Lord Waffle. I still fly it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    de Gooische matras

    Re: Waflle from AH Checking in -

    The pictures look all so dark in this sim. Is it just that Il-2 displays aircraft alot brighter then Aces High or is it the design of your skins.

    They are still nice and skillfull skins!
  5. #5
    Waffle Guest

    Re: Waflle from AH Checking in -

    Alot has to do with monitor settings / type of monitor. I'm running a dual monitor setup - one which no matter if it's properly calibrated still displays everything dark. The other is is the one that I do the majority of may work on, and I normally have adobe gamma loaded. Theres alot of variances. Funny I worked for a long time drawing stuff without ever calibrating my It's amazing the difference. Also it takes awhile to get used to.

    Big thing is deciding on your "Black" point - and reference to that. I usually try to keep a "pure black" on drawings around RGB 40,40,40. I tend to like things drawn a little bit darker. Drawings that start out with a black part around rgb 65,65,65 starts looking like gray / washed out to me.

    I imagine theres lighting differences between the 2 sims as well and how they relate to the models.

    I might have to D/L some il2 skins and compare RGB values and see whats going
    Last edited by Waffle; 31st July 2005 at 15:19.

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