Ahh Kev! I'm not every good a paint chips eitherPosted an example on ahbbs.
Similar to Waffle I had lurked in the old site for a log time, and found it really useful, glad to see it back. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth when the 'old' one diasappeared.
This is the latest project I'm working on, got it about 90% complete. Main part left is the paint chips, still really haven't found a way of doing them I am happy with.
and of course our Squads ride, (submitted awaiting approval)
One of my fav's already ingame
Last edited by Kev367th; 13th August 2005 at 01:15.
Ahh Kev! I'm not every good a paint chips eitherPosted an example on ahbbs.
Well, we hope to post some tutorials on weathering in the future.
And getting into weathering seems a barriere to many people. "Fear for cold water" as the Dutch tend to call such things.
You first need some positive reactions before you get convinced.
But downloading templates (the bigger one) even from the IL-2 series might help and reveal how some others do some effects.
Sometimes the tricks are really easy, you just need to get the good idea...