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Thread: Training flight

  1. #1

    Training flight

    Figured it would be more appropriate here....

  2. #2

    Re: Training flight

    Back to saner things in flying life:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Training flight

    Great Shots

    Reminds me of some good times in Lomac. I did several successful mid-air refuels in the A-10, really fun. I didn't air-refuel in the Russian planes, but I did like doing carrier landings.

    I was thinking last week about playing some more, I'll have to do that.

  4. #4

    Re: Training flight

    Well for me it's getting all the old reflexes back, so they're slowly doing that

    But I never really refuelled much with the A-10 or F-15C (though I learned on the F-15C though back in the day). The Russian system is much quicker to learn than the US though.

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