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Thread: Changing colors

  1. #1

    Changing colors

    Is there an easy way to change the colors of textures in Paint shop pro,that would include shadings? For example a red marking with white border to a yellow with black border.I have version 7 and know about using flood fill or color replacer. But both seem to have problems in getting the subtle shadings correct. Any suggestions?
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Changing colors

    Hi there,

    In Photoshop there is a tool called "Hue/Saturation" that can do something like this. Using the sliders you can shift a selection of colors through different shades very easily. I've attached a screenshot of what this looks like in Photoshop, so you can see if there is a similar tool in PaintShop Pro.

    Hope this helps, please post back if you have any questions.

    Name:  hue-sat.jpg
Views: 59
Size:  15.7 KB

  3. #3

    Re: Changing colors

    thanks adlabs6,

    Paint shop pro does have something very similar, except they have a color wheel instead of the horizontal color lines. I dont see how to change the main color to a specific color, say for example a RLM color from the color swathes in the downloads. It seems you have to play around a bit with the settings in order to get as close as possible.

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