Seafire F MkIII D-5X/PP479 flown by Sub-Lt F Logie of 807 Sqn FAA from HMS Hunter in June 1945.
PP479 was issued to 807 Sqn in Sept 1944, but in June 1945, while being flown by Logie a light cross wind lifted the Seafire while about to touch down over all the arrester wires and into the crash barrier, ripping off all three sections of undercart.
PP479 was dismantled and stored below decks until 'Hunter' reached Trincomlee, Ceylon, were it was classed as beyond repair and scrapped.
Three skins included, D-5X, one with FAA rounds only and one with tail flash.
Thx to Jester for the template, with bits from FBS and TonyT
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