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  1. #1

    Creating vector graphic from photo

    I have been using PSP 7.0 for a while and fairly familiar with working with it.
    However, one thing that I have not figured out how to do succesfully is vector graphics. In particular, I am interested in converting a couple of WWII LW emblems that I have on photos to a vector form. Can anyone give me advice on how to go about doing this?

  2. #2

    Re: Creating vector graphic from photo

    Dunno if this'll still be of interest but this is what I do

    Open the emblem you got in PSP.
    Create a vector layer.
    Go mad start at the outside or whatever will be on the base, then build it up layer by layer. Use the pen tool to place nodes, as many as possible. Use curves with assymetric or symetric curve nodes.
    There's not much too it technically, just time consuming. Often, it's easier to simply do it with a brush or use the photo to create the emblem

    Proudly skinning with Paintshop Pro since 2002

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