And due to this video I saw this strange accident:
YouTube - Plane 1, Reporter 0=
And a structural failure:
YouTube - Plane Loses Both Wings In Mid-Air=
Not much to add, just watch the video:
YouTube - Cessna Departure Crash
And due to this video I saw this strange accident:
YouTube - Plane 1, Reporter 0=
And a structural failure:
YouTube - Plane Loses Both Wings In Mid-Air=
The Cessna clip, I saw that on TV here. Made me sick. Yikes on the other two, never seen those before.
Cant quite understand how he was cleared for take off with crash trucks on the runway?? Over here, they would close the airfield if there was anything on the runway.
The wing failure clip is a bit harrowing. From what I can remember, it was caused due to the pilot exceeding speed and stress limits, and the woman you can hear screaming in the clip is the pilots wife who was doing the show comentary. Very sad.
Hey, guys, that's not an airstrip in that first clip. It's a public roadway for cars! If I recall correctly that guy emergency landed there, and they refueled the plane and let him try to take off instead of trying to truck the plane out. That's why all the vehicles are around.