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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    New Skinner, first WIP

    Not sure how many people from here visit the Ubi forums, and visa versa, so I figured I would post it on here as well...


    Newcomer to skinning here. Have been playing on and off for about a 2 years now, took a break of about a year when I got hooked on WoW but it has been about 6 months off of that drug and now I am back to playing something much more satisfying..IL-2

    Anyway, thanks to a squadmate of mine (VR_Slugger), I began dabbling and looking into skinning. After trying to edit a P-51 skin to a Mexican paintscheme, I was not very happy with it.

    However, I did think that I had learned enough to begin to create my first skin...and from scratch too. Reason why I chose to do it from scratch is because I like the feeling of knowing that all of it (or about 99% of it) is mine, and so I began to work with the void file of the Mig-3, a plane I regularly fly in my squad's (Vultures Row) DCG campaign.

    Harder than I thought was to make the base colours and camo, and after workin for about 2 weeks (mostly in trying to just match the different sections, such as the fuselage and wing, or rudder and the Tail), I am ready to say that I am satisfied with it so far,and figure I would start a WIP and do some updates as I go.

    So here are the first of (hopefully) many to come:

    Based on this colour profile

    As you can all see, it is still very rough. Basically, I have the base colour and camo done to a level where I am reasonably happy with it, I may make some changes later but not many. I also have the panel and rivets laid out, with a copy of them changed to white and glassuan blurred. I will also play with them some more, as I still feel its missing something.

    Other than that, msot of the stuff is either green or the sky blue on the bottom.

    Now I will begin to give it some 3d features, specially with the panel lines and the control surfaces, and then finally the weathering, which I imagine will take me long as its very hard and I want to do a good job.

    I appreciate any comments, and hopefully ill be back here with updates soon.
  2. #2

    Re: New Skinner, first WIP

    I'd say you're off to a good start. Looks like you quickly discovered the mind-numbing tedium of matching up camo seams.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: New Skinner, first WIP

    Welcome aboard

    Your scheme looks great. Curious to see more updates from you.
    And look around in the tutorial section, you might find a couple of good suggestions there, or just get pointed to some nice usefull tools.

    These might help you with your rivets:
    Last edited by Serval; 10th December 2006 at 15:02.
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: New Skinner, first WIP

    Hi again to all,

    First off thank you for the comments and the nice words.

    Its been a while since I had posted anything, mainly because school and life were holding me from working on the skin. Well christmas is here, and I have worked on the skin for about a week since I went on vacation.

    So here is a slight update. I have worked on the panels, the rivets, and I have also added in the chipping as well on the wings and on the fuselage panels.

    So withought further they are:




    As before, please post any comments, suggestions or critisizms.
    I specially want to hear what you guys think on the rivets, the scratches and the color of the camo (this still seems slightly odd to me, although I did change it a bit. Seems liek the way they look in game is too glossy, but not quiet sure how to fix it. Perhaps once I add dirt and the rest of the weathering it will be less noticable).

  5. #5

    Re: New Skinner, first WIP

    It's a real learning curve for sure.
    Just keep working at it, and pay attention to the guys that might answer your threads and offer suggestions.Their a good bunch here.
    Merry Christmas.
  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: New Skinner, first WIP

    Working out just fine.
    Just don't forget to tone down the panellines.

    If you want to have a bit worn look on your aircraft, then try one of these:
  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: New Skinner, first WIP

    Excellent work for a first attempt. Everyone will have their own tastes and opinions. I would say try toning down the colours a bit to give it a slightly more faded look which should make it look more realistic. Also most of the rivets need reducing in size. The scale size of the ones on the upper wings is about the size of a golf ball. Again, as Serval says, reduce the opacity of the rivets. Most fighters used countersunk rivets which are barely visible when they have been painted over.

    Simple rule is to look at a photograph and paint what you see and nothing more. If you cant see the rivets, dont paint them, or if you do, make them very barely visible. Sometimes less is more, if you know what I mean
  8. #8

    Re: New Skinner, first WIP

    Everything said so far will serve you well in making you skin better. One more thing that will help- There is a fine line between making panel lines and surface detail too visible and not visible enough. (no pun intended )
    If your panel lines stand out too much they end up making your plane look like a line drawing colored in, it breaks up the overall form too much.
    Check these pictures of the same skin-

    It's not so much that the version with the darker panel lines doesn't look good but more that the one with the subtle lines looks like a real plane.
    The best advice is to look at photos of the plane your doing. What do you see in the photos? Any of the people here including me will tell you that we WANT to see the details that we paint. If you can balance the desire to show those details with an aim toward realism and subtlety your skins will look much better.
    Now let see an update of your skin


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