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  1. #1

    Ta-183 Template WIP

    I've finally got 1946, and started my first skin template of the new planes starting the Ta-183.

    I made a personal skin out of her to test it ingame, here it is so far. No weathering as of yet.

    C&C please.

    EDIT:Pix removed, update below.
    Last edited by Adonis; 25th December 2006 at 17:40.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    10km S of FRA

    Re: Ta-183 Template WIP

    Hi, There!
    Looks nice for a start, but I?d say make the mottling ("blotches" on the sides) bigger and somewhat more diffuse, so you might get some kind of "organic" flow from dark top camo to the light light lower paint.
    Look up some photos of Luftwaffe fighters (especially from ?42-?45) and you?ll see what I mean.

    Nice Beta anyways!!!
  3. #3

    Re: Ta-183 Template WIP

    Nah, the camo is only to see what I did, and it grew on me it won't be the one included in the final template psd. After all, the good thing about these 46 german planes is that we have an open field on camo patterns
    Last edited by Adonis; 22nd December 2006 at 23:19.
  4. #4

    Re: Ta-183 Template WIP

    OK, update, I think i did everything.

    Any suggestions?

    Here's an example with white camo:

    And my personal:

  5. #5

    Re: Ta-183 Template WIP

    OK, it's done.

    A question: Do I need to ask Jutocsa for permission to include he's Marking and unit insignias, or is crediting him enough?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Ta-183 Template WIP

    Check the readme file (if there is one) with Jutocsa's markings and see if he specifies. More than likely it's enough to give credit, but safest to check.

  7. #7

    Re: Ta-183 Template WIP

    Quote Originally Posted by adlabs6 View Post
    Check the readme file (if there is one) with Jutocsa's markings and see if he specifies. More than likely it's enough to give credit, but safest to check.
    No readme at all, the files originate from here, it's the JG, KG, NJG, etc. squadron insignia, the axis.psd, and marking group psd.
  8. #8

    Re: Ta-183 Template WIP

    I'd credit him, it's usually the safest bet, especially if you're going to release it.
  9. #9

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