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  1. #1

    PSP vector question

    Snake, can you answer this question?

    Here's what I want to be able to do:

    I want to do all the math and sort out the layout of the dial first; work out the proper angle of the needle at 0 on the gauge, the total needle sweep angle, the number of tick marks in the sweep, etc., so that, using a clock face as an example...

    1) I need 12, thick white tick marks around the 360 degree face at 30 degree intervals.
    2) I need 60, thinner, smaller tick marks for the seconds. These are at 6 degree intervals, and the ones intersecting with the 1 - 12 hour marks would be eliminated.

    So, after creating a perfectly square pixel dimensioned gauge template, I create a vectored line from the exact center out near the edge for the 12:00 mark. What I want to be able to do, very quickly is,

    a) Create the mark
    b) Make a copy of the exact same mark, with NO offset
    c) Shift the control box to the bottom, at dead center of the gauge
    d) Insert a value of 30 degrees for rotation
    e) Copy the second, rotated mark...
    f) Redo steps c - e until we're around the dial. Then use circle selections emanating from dead center of the dial to delete all but the outer edge length of the tick marks, which would have separate Hour and Second layers.

    So, here are the problems I'm encountering in PSP:

    1) If I copy the mark and paste it, the control handle moves back to the center. If I hold Ctrl and attempt to move it, the whole mark moves, rather than the control box being repositioned. ????
    2) I can't figure a way to get a dialog box for rotations. I have to click the control handle and drag the mouse to rotate, while watching the small numeric values at the bottom of the screen and this is problematic. The input sometimes changes directions as I slowly get close to where I want it to go, and it's very difficult to get EXACTLY 30 degrees, and not 29.6 or 30.2 degrees, and then release the button without introducing any error. Also, while you're watching the digital input, you can't easily watch the needle actually rotate back and forth on your dial. This is exactly why a dialog box would work so much better than click and drag rotating.

    Anybody know PSP well enough to help me quickly get this down to a fast, accurate procedure? Also, shouldn't you be able to create a quick script for this that you can just do in one step, so it'd be: Copy a positioned tick mark. Run Script. ?
    This is from Stiglr over at Targetware. Anything you can come up with would be great. You can either answer here and I'll pass it on or answer directly here-
    Targetware :: View topic - Gauges & Vectored Paths Tutorial


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Elko Nevada

    Re: PSP vector question

    Ok Im not a Vetor layer kinda guy , but if it moves when you copy and paste it? Have you tried copy and paste as a whole new separate vector layer?
    That may solve the issue.
    Again, I can do basic stuff with PSP and I don't delve deep into vector and floating layers, but it seems if you make each tick mark as a new layer then your problem would be solved.
    and if you need to turn a mark at a certain degree you can use cntrl +R to rotate it, but you may have to copy and paste as a whole new image out side your template in order to rotate it without causing the rest of the project to do so as well.
    I don't know if this is going to confuse you or help you , Gawd knows im confused and I wrote it.
    So let me know if you can gleen anyhting from this at all. Please, and if it doesnt work, then don't shoot me im only the piano player.
    Once you have all your tick marks in you can merg them all into one layer, ot you can save it for a rainy day and play with it some more.

    The Ctrl + R option you can adjust the rate of angle by typing it into the field , they have tick boxes for various degree's of turn but you can change this manually, which would mean every new tick mark could be theoretically turned slightly on each layer if this makes sense let me know.

    Last edited by Snake; 12th January 2007 at 05:58.
    Charlie Michael
    Elko Nevada
    SPD Retired
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Elko Nevada

    Re: PSP vector question

    Does Photo Shop have a Dialogue box like your talking about? if so PSP has got to have one cause they are always trying to get one up on Photo Shop except they can't figure out an easy way to flip Text with out it becomeing a hair pulling event.
    This is an interesting problem, perhaps someone at Corel, or Jasac can help with a well asked question.

    Charlie Michael
    Elko Nevada
    SPD Retired
  4. #4

    Re: PSP vector question

    Thanks Snake
    I'm not really sure what all goes on because I've never even seen anyone use PSP in person let alone used it myself.
    I can tell you in PS when you copy a path it pastes on top of the one you copied, exactly. In Illustrator, and other applications like In Design, when you copy and paste, it's more of a "step repeat" kind of thing. Lower and to the left or something. Maybe PSP is doing this? How you can paste right where you want is another thing...

  5. #5

    Re: PSP vector question

    Oh, BTW, the rotation in PS is a tool options bar that loads in across the top in CS. Loads of tool options. Are there tool and selection options somewhere is PSP? Maybe a menu or window that you need to open?

  6. #6

    Re: PSP vector question

    I use PSP alot and I think I know what your trying to do Its hard to explain but Ill have a tinker about and see what I can come up with myself. Im not brilliant and PSP processes as i learnt alot throught trial and eroor, but I will definately see what I can do.
  7. #7

    Re: PSP vector question

    PSP allows you to rotate vector objects whatever degree you choose ...

    Proudly skinning with Paintshop Pro since 2002
  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Elko Nevada

    Re: PSP vector question

    See !

    Ask and You Shall recieve.
    And yes there is a Menu for tools and other too options, you just use the F-keys I don't remeber which ones work which, but the ctrl+R option is a key combination, which allows you to rotate an object to a pre determined angle, or you can remove the pre determined numbers, and type in your own, if your into math then thats the way to go, I know that on raster layers each time you rotate something it will become a little distorted, Im not sure what will happen with vector objects as I don't mess with those much except for puting names onto the plane after Im done painting it.
    So as you can see there is a wealth of info out there you just have to as you say shake the tre, I still wish Corel would make flipping text easyer, im certain I have aquired new gray hair from this issue.

    Here is a quick list I just checked out in PSP 8 it may vary slightly in the other versions?

    F-1= PSP Help

    F-2= Tool Options, pan tool

    F-3= Script Options

    F-4= Tool Options(at least on mine it is you can go and reset this key I think)

    F-5= Nothing attached

    F-6= Materials

    F-7= Histogram

    F-8= Layers

    F-9= Overview

    F-10= Learning Center

    F-11= Brush variances

    F12= nothing attached

    other controls

    ctrl+alt+R= ruler
    ctrl-z = redo

    ctrl+M= move

    thats all I remember for now

    Last edited by Snake; 12th January 2007 at 16:29.
    Charlie Michael
    Elko Nevada
    SPD Retired
  9. #9

    Re: PSP vector question

    Thanks everyone

  10. #10

    Re: PSP vector question

    Hmm one day I should do a vectors tutorial ... unfortunately, PSP XI has changed some of the stuff

    Proudly skinning with Paintshop Pro since 2002

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