Here's what I want to be able to do:
I want to do all the math and sort out the layout of the dial first; work out the proper angle of the needle at 0 on the gauge, the total needle sweep angle, the number of tick marks in the sweep, etc., so that, using a clock face as an example...
1) I need 12, thick white tick marks around the 360 degree face at 30 degree intervals.
2) I need 60, thinner, smaller tick marks for the seconds. These are at 6 degree intervals, and the ones intersecting with the 1 - 12 hour marks would be eliminated.
So, after creating a perfectly square pixel dimensioned gauge template, I create a vectored line from the exact center out near the edge for the 12:00 mark. What I want to be able to do, very quickly is,
a) Create the mark
b) Make a copy of the exact same mark, with NO offset
c) Shift the control box to the bottom, at dead center of the gauge
d) Insert a value of 30 degrees for rotation
e) Copy the second, rotated mark...
f) Redo steps c - e until we're around the dial. Then use circle selections emanating from dead center of the dial to delete all but the outer edge length of the tick marks, which would have separate Hour and Second layers.
So, here are the problems I'm encountering in PSP:
1) If I copy the mark and paste it, the control handle moves back to the center. If I hold Ctrl and attempt to move it, the whole mark moves, rather than the control box being repositioned. ????
2) I can't figure a way to get a dialog box for rotations. I have to click the control handle and drag the mouse to rotate, while watching the small numeric values at the bottom of the screen and this is problematic. The input sometimes changes directions as I slowly get close to where I want it to go, and it's very difficult to get EXACTLY 30 degrees, and not 29.6 or 30.2 degrees, and then release the button without introducing any error. Also, while you're watching the digital input, you can't easily watch the needle actually rotate back and forth on your dial. This is exactly why a dialog box would work so much better than click and drag rotating.
Anybody know PSP well enough to help me quickly get this down to a fast, accurate procedure? Also, shouldn't you be able to create a quick script for this that you can just do in one step, so it'd be: Copy a positioned tick mark. Run Script. ?