Oh yes
CTL+z undo
CTL+ALT+z redo
Off the top of my head ...
SHF+B brightness/contrast
SHF+G gamma correction
SHF+H hue/saturation/lightness
With a floating selection on raster layer or selected nodes on vector layer
arrow keys move 1px
CTL+arrow keys moves selection 10px
SHF+arrow keys move about 50px
... they're different in PSP versions less than 10 but I forget how
Dont forget the right click menu with vectors & nodes ... muy useful![]()
Oh yes
CTL+z undo
CTL+ALT+z redo
You know what Chaps my Hyde?
That they make these programs and they make something as simple as flipping text a hair pulling event, I hope PSP 11 changes that.
I just did a splash screen for my buddy in Chicago and It took me two days of research to find out how to flip text and convert it to a path around the outside of a circle.
I felt like calling Corel and chewing some butt.
Flipping raster selection CTL+I
Mirror raster selection CTL+M
For selected vector nodes right click - transform - flip etc
For vector text that hasnt been coverted to path - grab the anchor & rotate![]()