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  1. #1

    B-24 screenshot artwork

    Hi folks,

    I have seen many nice Il-2 screenshots here redone to look like artwork Is there someone capable to do nice 15usaaf B-24 artwork from creenshot, lets say under attack of a Me 109 or Me 410 all from specified units??

  2. #2

    Re: B-24 screenshot artwork

    Hello PEter,

    nice to personally meet you!

    I already tried that, using skins by Monguse and Craig, my only problem was that there was no Me410 skin of the specific unit (it would be made basing upon the Me210 model as il2 doesn'T have a 410 anyways) and due to the work at university I wasn'T able to get both, skin and artwork done. When I had all work done (early november) I was told your book was done already too

    However, I'm sure I or someone else here can help you If I would only find an experienced skinner for the 210/410 like Jutosca. I've all references needed here thanks to Jester and spart
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  3. #3

    Re: B-24 screenshot artwork


    Hmm hard to say...My book is not finished yet. But I wanna use more serious (no offense) cover as itis overall historical study. Anyway, I have few projects in preparation...One is in printing phase, but just prooves, so cover can be edited B-24 of 464.BG with few engines on fire and feathered is beying finished by JGr Ost Me 109s... I know JGr Ost is hard nut to crak in terms of sins and camo
    The other as I said, 461.BG heavens can wait beying shot by Zg 76 me 410...Anyone can provide skin for Me 410 of this unit to us? for a book, hopefully finished in coming yer(s) about ZG 76 Me 410 defence of reich...mostly against 15usaaf
    that is it!

    Some details and refs...=O= Final Destination Slovakia - Western Allies Air Forces Story over Slovakia 1944/45 =O=



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