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  1. #1

    Albatros D. II Profile

    Well I've decided to do something different! WW1 planes don't appeal to me much as a rule but after doing this i think i'l do them some more....only took 2 days start to finish!....Opinions? do i post these to be eligible for the comp? anybody?

    Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Albatros D. II Profile

    Looks good Sparty, just head on over to the Showcase page here, and use the upload tools to submit them.

    Make sure they go into the contest category (I think they do by default)... should be straight forward, but just post if you need help.

  3. #3

    Re: Albatros D. II Profile

    Posted em up.. just need to be cleared now.. thanks Ad!
    Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Turin, (Italy)

    Re: Albatros D. II Profile

    very nice work sparty72

    I like so much the wood effect on the fusolage

    Do you use one texture or you make it by yourself?
  5. #5

    Re: Albatros D. II Profile

    An outstanding profile m8y and an attractive subject, looking forward to seeing more WW1 from you. I agree with Santynus, the wood looks great, just a shame you can’t see from the image the amount of detail there is in the whole profile. Some close-ups are in order I think. . . .
    Great job and in such a short space of time
  6. #6

    Re: Albatros D. II Profile

    Close ups here m8...

    Certainly more WW1 ideas in my head after this little sweety!
    Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!
  7. #7

    Re: Albatros D. II Profile

  8. #8

    Re: Albatros D. II Profile

    Beautiful job Sparty
    Only thing is when I see something SO good like this profile little things pop out to my eye that I can't resist commenting on. You've got nice wood color but the white highlights at the to and bottom of the fuselage tend to almost look like they are sprayed on to the actual wood rather that highlights on the wood. You might want to try an approach that will get you some more color, a warmer highlight, so that it will look like it is part of the wood rather than just a white spray. Maybe a series of layers set differently? (This is digital, right? If not, forget I said it )
    Here's a quick dirty sample I made from one of my skins, you can see the warmer highlight effect-
    Name:  wood_sample.jpg
Views: 606
Size:  50.2 KB
    You could add more depth to your wing area by darkening your cabane struts. They are slanted out and would look a bit darker due to angle. Speaking of shadow, not that it's needed, and it's more of a device rather than a necessity, cast shadows from the wings and tail would go a long way to adding depth and establishing form.
    The other things I notice are technical D.II details. The fuselage on the D.I through D.III was slab sided, not oval as the D.V. I've got a great set of drawings if you'd like them.
    All the metal parts should probably be painted light gray. All the wing struts are metal BTW, not wood.

    Please don't take this the wrong way, it's a wonderful piece of art, I really like it If it's the way you want it to be artistically, it IS perfect! WW1 planes are near and dear to me, and so is good art. When I see something really good but with room to become better I can't help making suggestions

  9. #9

    Re: Albatros D. II Profile

    Thanks m8! heads up is ALWAYS welcome!
    Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!

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