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  1. #1

    Hello from Newbie

    Just joined your excellent site today.
    Have been painting profiles for about a year now but all civil!!
    Click on my website below for a look.
    All feedback welcome.
    Just bought FSX and looking to repaint Base 737-800 and A321.
    Airliner Art
  2. #2

    Re: Hello from Newbie

    These are good clean profiles amo.
    I had a commission to do the new A380 for "swearword", but in the end it got dropped after lots of pushing and shoving.
    Looked a lot like this---->

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Turin, (Italy)

    Re: Hello from Newbie

    nice website and artwork amo
    your color profile are very beuty but I think they look a little bit flat... meybe you can use more shadow and light for make more 3d effect
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Turin, (Italy)

    Re: Hello from Newbie

    look really nice your A380 Jesters-Ink
  5. #5

    Re: Hello from Newbie

    Nice work Ammo.

    I have dabbled in Civillian aircraft myself my first try was the A380. It wasnt very good... Then I was asked to do a glider for someone as a present ive been told it takes pride of place in his office.

  6. #6

    Re: Hello from Newbie

    Great A380,
    What is the best way to get the dark areas around edges of the fuselage/tail as I know my profiles are a bit flat and have been experimenting but not as good as your A380.
  7. #7

    Re: Hello from Newbie

    I don't know the best way, but I can tell you the way I that I do it (that works for me).

    And a ziped .psd showing the layers--->

    I use the base layer as a mask in photoshop.
    Draw it using the polygon lasso tool.
    Next I use the magic wand tool to select the outer area of the new shape, then reverse my selection (this gives a better edge I think if you use the wand at anti-alias on and set the tolerance at about 20-25%).
    Next I pick a brush size of around 17 with fade (set flow to around 10%) and airbrush the very outer edge top and bottom (not front or back).
    Then I pick a brush about size 65 and block a bit more shade in.
    Same for highlight. . .

    Let me know if this helps?

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