Very niceThey look fun, and historical to boot.
I wonder if those AC did'nt end up green with red stars on them when war broke out?
Hello everyoneThis is for all of you aerobats out there. Inspired by the Type 5's of premier pilots Chkalov (Red), Stefanovski (Yellow), Suprun (Blue), who performed one of the greatest aerobatic displays in history, over Red Square during the 1937 May Day festivities; all the while connected by a 5 meter ribbon between their wing tips - which they never broke!
Many thanks to "x4btr" and "vpmedia" for "pioneering" the work on this unique and "difficult to skin" aircraft. Without their efforts, I probably would never have started this project.
Regretably, some concessions to the accuracy of this authentic color scheme were made, due to the restrictions imposed by the mapping of this craft. Anyone who's ever skinned one of these things, let alone put a "patterned" scheme on them, knows exactly what I mean. The biggest "ding" is the area around the canopy; it should not be colored. But, since the instrument "daylight holes" are mapped down by the "engine cowling ring" on the void - and the cowling is colored...well, I ended up having to use a little "artictic license". Hopefully, since this scheme became popular amongst demonstration teams, after the Red Square show, someone else may have had the same idea. So, put these into your I16 folders, and put on a show. Enjoy! And thanks to Flying Legends for hosting;
Enjoying freedom? Thank a Soldier / Veteran.
Very niceThey look fun, and historical to boot.
I wonder if those AC did'nt end up green with red stars on them when war broke out?