Will this help? There are almost certainly other variations but I'm pretty sure this was the standard early on in the war.
Make sure you read the fine print, important stuff there!!!
Hello chaps!
Ive started some work on a He-111 skin (II/KG53 Battle of Britain) and sure could use some help on what size the crosses should be...
Ive been peaking on Buglords HE111 skin and using spartys template and the markings dont match up. On the wing top side it seems to be a thinner cross with small black lines outside the white, while on the underneath its a more bold cross without black lines, just thick white lines.
Anyone who can sheed a light if thats right or wrong? how should it look? timeperiod is summer-autumn 1940... I have been away for to long I get a feeling of :P
(Ex RAF23-Chainsaw)
Will this help? There are almost certainly other variations but I'm pretty sure this was the standard early on in the war.
Make sure you read the fine print, important stuff there!!!
thank you Blowhard, that cleared my question up 100%!
OK another question, dont have to do with markings but to save number of treads started i put it in here, as it has to do with my heinkel.
The spinners is plain white... should something be added so it looks like its rotating or something? and if so, what and how?
maybe shadow on half of the spinner?
Cheers for now
Hi there, usually if a spinner is a solid color, I personally just painted it solid. For those that had a spiral, here's what I did to mine:
Putting a shadow on one side would probably just make the shadow spin around as the prop turned, if I recall how IL2 did this effect.
Yep, solid color is how they came from the factory, RLM 70. Many were painted in the field with different solid colors, some in 2 colors spit front and back and some late war 111s even with the day fighter spiral spinners.
OK, guess I wont tuch the spinner then, leaving it white as it is now![]()
If the spinner is supposed to be white, you might consider a light gray color, to make it more fit the tone of the rest of the skin depending on the colors.
I recall that avoiding pure white and black can help make the skin seem to fit together better for some schemes. Just play with it and see what you prefer.
Well the problem solved itself, turns out I was looking at wrong staffelcolours so the spinners is now red
I darkened them down a bit so they dont look so bright now atleast, matches betther the rest of the skin.