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Thread: Skinning

  1. #1


    Well, after looking forever for the skin files and not coming up with anything. I went to the forums.

    Apperently, They are still working on the multi-skin feature. And it will be in a future patch

    Funny, I found every other thing posiable as to editing the game, maps, cockpits, everthing.

    Whenever I can, I'll post some screens of the skin files, size etc.

    I just say this, this game looks to be a modders game for shure. I'm gona have fun edit'n this baby. I'd buy it again just for the fact that you can change anything you want. Something to play with
    Last edited by Serval; 9th May 2011 at 20:08.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Skinning

    Thanks for the update.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Skinning

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Skinning

    I haven't kept up with this sim closely... so you can't edit plane skins yet then? I knew that all the same plane models had to have the same skin, which isn't really a huge failing.

    Anyway, I do look forward to seeing this sim when the mod community gets rolling.

  5. #5

    Re: Skinning

    I'm a busy man Hunhunter, you boob! I'll post some tomarrow.
  6. #6

    Re: Skinning

    Hi guys

    I did not know you have a forum about BoB2 here. I am the lead developer of BoB 2.

    adlabs6 wrote:
    I haven't kept up with this sim closely... so you can't edit plane skins yet then?
    You can and also some people already have:
    (look at the screenie in the first post! I love aircraft **** )

    I knew that all the same plane models had to have the same skin, which isn't really a huge failing.
    Yes, that is the limitation now and the one that "MultiSkin" will overcome in a patch.

    Still I think there is quite a bit that can be done now, without fearing to loose any work lateron:
    - Unfrotunately, we do not have the layered templates. These help skinners regardless of with or without MultiSkin.
    - MultiSkin will allow that only small parts like say the ID letters, emblems etc change from plane to plane. But it will also allow to change the complete plane skin. So, if there is a skin that is very distinct (Sp?te's red Me163 if we were talking 1944 ) then you can do it now and for now unfrotunately all planes of that type will look like that, but it will work perfectly once we have MultiSkin. Actually I might implement that flavour of MultiSkin (change the complete skin) earlier, since it is much easier to do.
    - If you work with layers, which you of course should do anyway, then you can make a skin now and later remove the emblem etc layers for the base skin and instead pack them into files of their own.
  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Skinning

    Quote Originally Posted by Osram
    Hi guys

    I did not know you have a forum about BoB2 here. I am the lead developer of BoB 2.
    Hi Osram, welcome to the site. Its good to have you here, especially with your in depth knowlage of this Sim. If you have any suggestions as to how we can help support BoB2 please let us know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Osram
    So, if there is a skin that is very distinct (Sp?te's red Me163 if we were talking 1944....
    The battle of Britain went on till 1944??? Sheesh, I'm gonna have to get my history books out again!!
  8. #8

    Re: Skinning

    Thanks for the welcome .

    I think every WWII sim, to be complete needs a Komet to make it difficult for hunhunters

    Actually when I tested import of 3D models, I had one in BoB I, but only for fun . BTW, I saw an advertisement for Oleg's BoB, I think on Amazon, and it contained a Me163 as well, but that obviously ws an error.

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