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  1. #1

    Recommended Photoshop

    Is there a photoshop that is recomended. I now have paintshop pro x and not only can I use Bright because it doesn't allow me to save in the right size, I've noticed in a Tutorial about moving items form one template to another that I also don't have the correct file tabs.
  2. #2

    Re: Recommended Photoshop

    Imho PS7, CS1 or CS2 are a good choice. (haven't worked on CS3 for now)

    I bought CS1 a few (2?) years ago, it still has every feature I need
    On work I'm on CS2, the differences aren't that big (at least it wasn't worth the money for an upgrade)

    The only interresting part on CS3 seems to be the support of 3D files, so you're able painting directly on your model (but to be honest, zbrush can do the same...) but this is just interresting if you're in game development or moding, otherwise older PS versions will do the job for sure.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Recommended Photoshop

    Any version from PS 7 will do fine for skinning. CS1, 2 and 3 mostly offer more and more features that are good for digital photography. Sure there are more pro's, but you probably won't use them for skinning.

    Photoshop Elements is also a good choice. Lacks a few features, but is a lot cheaper then a brand new CS2 or 3.

    But I am 100% positive PSP can save the right BMP file. This tutorial is written based on PSP, just follow it's steps:

    Here is a tutorial on using layers with PSP:

    And some other tutorials with PSP instead of Photoshop:

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