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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Hull, UK

    Basic FS2004 skinning

    Hi, i've been reading lots of the tutorials here on the site however i still can't seem to understand how i would go about re-painting an aircraft.

    What i intended to do was use a re-painting kit and skin it then put it into my fs2004 folder as a new texture.

    However i haven't come across any basic tutorials for doing so. If i have missed one then please link me to it.

    If you may be wondering. I am using adobe photoshop and i've got about 4 years experience with it so learning the basic tools etc. is slightly patronising. I simply need a tutorial which gives me steps on creating skins.

    thanks very much for your time.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Basic FS2004 skinning

    Hi there and welcome.

    This is a pretty good starter here, did you try it?

    It explains the programs required, what they do, and the basics of handling the files. Admittedly, it doesn't go into detail on the actual painting, as that's all pretty generic methods, and much of that is really where each person's own style comes through.

    If you're hung at any one point, let me know and we'll try to get you going.

  3. #3

    Re: Basic FS2004 skinning

    You can try here also. Garry Smith has painted most of Transload's planes. I haven't read his tutorials but if I run into a problem I can usually get Garry on ICQ. Good luck!
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Hull, UK

    Re: Basic FS2004 skinning

    Fantastic thanks very much for your help. I did come across the "Repainting in FS2004" tutorial on this site however being new to the whole re-painting and texturing process i found it a little hard to come to terms with, however i have read through a number of tutorials on the Gary Smith website posted above and fingers crossed i should be able to get started.

  5. #5

    Re: Basic FS2004 skinning

    Glad to help!

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